second growing journey + diy reflector and closet


Well-Known Member
Is that foil? People will tell you it makes heat spots, I'm yet to see this to be true, but I will tell you that it will keep in a lot of heat and that's not good.

Also, your bulb has a lot more light coming off it's sides than it does it's end, you should make it so it's horizontal. Some people also report problems with heat/fire inside the CFL's ballast components when hung vertically like that.


yes its the beginning i thought covering with white papers or styrofoam however i used tin foil before and it worked pretty well.also you are right the inside is redundantly warm next week when the plants will become bigger i will start using fan.

its a 125 W dual 2700/6500 k buld and i will add more then build a new reflektor.