Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!


Active Member
crazyhazey:7559005 said:
Do you think the 5ml per gallon of calmag will be what I need from here until the end? Or do you have to lower the amount eventually?

Ill feed them at the half strength. I am sure the ladies want their food even though not all of it's there.

Thanks a lot crazy. It would seem that this entire time, even if my ph was off, it was the calmag issue. Because its all what happened before, and it continued. Maybe the pH adjustment helped some but it wasn't the complete problem.

What another relief this is. Thanks crazy and all.

depends what they suggest, some solutions are more diluted than others. it seems some of them had this cal/mag deficiency to a small degree, pH flux was the biggest one last time although. id only feed it every 2 or 3 waters, the leaves will tell you when you need to.
So whatever the directions state, go with it?

And feed them with it, then a normal feeding without calmag for two to three feeds, then cal mag again? Then repeat?

Still going to do an update tonight :3 after day 31 of darkness.

Thanks crazy,



Well-Known Member
So whatever the directions state, go with it?

And feed them with it, then a normal feeding without calmag for two to three feeds, then cal mag again? Then repeat?

Still going to do an update tonight :3 after day 31 of darkness.

Thanks crazy,

pretty much, these plants are good sized so i think they can take the dosage they suggest. and yup, thats basically how ive been doin it, although my soil may pack some cal/mag in it and your in coco so they may need it more than a plant in soil, just keep an eye on those leaves, they'll tell you everything.


Active Member
I am leaving in under an hour. Hitting the hydro store the moment they open.

Plan is to get the calmag, get water, add food ph and calmag to the water.

Lets keep our fingers crossed..

How long does recovery take in a situation like this?

Thanks all



Active Member
Well everyone, I fed the girls. Here is the solution :

- 1 tsp. Of Technaflora MagiCal.
- 1/2 tsp. 7-9-5 hydro nutes
- 5 drips of pH down.

I measured the coco pH and got my best number yet. All of the ladies measured in at 5.8 pH, yje absolute best level for coco.

I was surprised I nailed the complete solution on the first try.

Now I have done a bit of studying, and what I have seen is that coco growers feed the calmag in every feeding with amazing results. What is your opinion on this feeding habit? I don't want to be on track, and then give them too much of something. Also the hydro store said to feed every feeding, then maybe back off after improvement shows. So many mixed opinions I just don't kjow which to go with xD.

Well I must say, I am relieved. As before my pH measurements were a lot lower, and that could have possibly made the coco a bit acidic..mixed with calmag issue.

The girls are shutting off in two hours, for say 32 of darkness. But even though its been 32 days Im sure Ive been put back a week or so. But hey, beats three months by far.

I hope to hear back from you guys. Especially with the calmag feeding schedule opinions. I am going to start comparing the growth over the next couple days to the photos ive taken of the damage that occurred. Along with taking photos to post for you all to see the comparison.

Thanks so much everyone. Since I haven't slept, its nap time..and hopefully you guys will have wrote back by then. Thanks again. I'd be in ruins if it wasn't for all of you being so damn awesome.



Well-Known Member
I am leaving in under an hour. Hitting the hydro store the moment they open.

Plan is to get the calmag, get water, add food ph and calmag to the water.

Lets keep our fingers crossed..

How long does recovery take in a situation like this?

Thanks all

the progression should stop after you feed the cal/mag, after that they'll continue flowering at a normal rate. at most you lost like 2-3 days of swelling, no big deal honestly. good to see you got all your nutes together, technaflora is a pretty reliable company, i think im gonna start using it for all my future grows, its not overpriced either. as for feeding for every water, i dont use coco so im not sure, in soil it would probably be stored for a good while, however coco doesn't retain nutes as well. id do as the hydro store guy said, just feed until you see improvement, then watch the leaves closely until she needs it again.


Active Member
crazyhazey:7561509 said:
I am leaving in under an hour. Hitting the hydro store the moment they open.

Plan is to get the calmag, get water, add food ph and calmag to the water.

Lets keep our fingers crossed..

How long does recovery take in a situation like this?

Thanks all

the progression should stop after you feed the cal/mag, after that they'll continue flowering at a normal rate. at most you lost like 2-3 days of swelling, no big deal honestly. good to see you got all your nutes together, technaflora is a pretty reliable company, i think im gonna start using it for all my future grows, its not overpriced either. as for feeding for every water, i dont use coco so im not sure, in soil it would probably be stored for a good while, however coco doesn't retain nutes as well. id do as the hydro store guy said, just feed until you see improvement, then watch the leaves closely until she needs it again.
Thanks crazy. The hydro guy even mentioned that non-dead that's discolored will slowly returned to its normal green.

I want to see of number one, being a bright greeb for awhile now, will change to dark green.

I could just tell yesterday that these nuggets are gaining some weight. The branches just have that heavier feel to them.

Is it fine to remove dead/dying leaf ofd the girls?

Time to destroy some battlefield 3 premium :3



Active Member
crazyhazey:7561509 said:
I am leaving in under an hour. Hitting the hydro store the moment they open.

Plan is to get the calmag, get water, add food ph and calmag to the water.

Lets keep our fingers crossed..

How long does recovery take in a situation like this?

Thanks all

the progression should stop after you feed the cal/mag, after that they'll continue flowering at a normal rate. at most you lost like 2-3 days of swelling, no big deal honestly. good to see you got all your nutes together, technaflora is a pretty reliable company, i think im gonna start using it for all my future grows, its not overpriced either. as for feeding for every water, i dont use coco so im not sure, in soil it would probably be stored for a good while, however coco doesn't retain nutes as well. id do as the hydro store guy said, just feed until you see improvement, then watch the leaves closely until she needs it again.
So rather than being im day's most likely 28-29 area due to the issue? Thats quite a relief and I am excited to see whats going to happen in there :3

Thanks crazy:D


Well-Known Member
So rather than being im day's most likely 28-29 area due to the issue? Thats quite a relief and I am excited to see whats going to happen in there :3

Thanks crazy:D
thats basically how id put it, im sure they'll power through it and make up for any progress that was lost, these plants are pretty resilient.


Active Member
No more leaf has shown the issue.

Everything looks as it did, so hopefully that shows it will improve from here on out.

Photos shortly.



Active Member
Well hello all, and I hope everyone is doing well.

So the calmag issue seems as if it has vanished, since I picked up the MagiCal yesterday and started feeding them it. They were just watered again, as they turned on 3 hours ago. I wanted to go in and take photos, update everyone, as well as hope the issue is gone.

Finally I am on the computer doing the update, rather than trolling the journal with only posts that can have 4 photos due to the mobile app >.<.

So below here, we have number one. To me, it looks as if it's restoring some green and more than before. It is overall very bright green, except it's nodes that are the normal green. It seems that the green is coming back more close to the bud, and working its way out to the tips of the leaves.


Below here is number two, the girl that was damaged most by the defects. If you have watched the video when the problem occured, you'll see the leaves that are crispy in here were in the same shape as then. Also, the defect spread really fast, and no new areas are affected from what I can see. You would think since it hit that fast, in a matter of 12 hours, the little leaf material close to those affected leaves would have been torched by now. So hopefully this will stay like so, as they are all measuring in a 5.7-5.8 and have their yummy calmag.


And here is number three. I wish her nodes would have climbed up more. It seems that only one side of her was successful, but she is still looking great. I am really astonished how great they look, even though there has been a few issues here and there. Ironically, she is still the tallest of them all..funny how she was the runt XD.


And lastly, here are a few random shots of the canopy.


Look forward to hearing back. Hopefully this shit decides to go away, and stay away. Funny, I was comparing these photos to a week ago, two weeks ago, and three weeks ago..and it's mind blowing. Can't wait to see what I'll be comparing these photos to in a couple weeks.

Thanks a lot everyone :3


Well-Known Member
lookin much better, those perky leaves means your gals are happy. glad everything back to the way they should be, should see lots of progress in the next week or two :)


Active Member
crazyhazey:7564289 said:
lookin much better, those perky leaves means your gals are happy. glad everything back to the way they should be, should see lots of progress in the next week or two :)
Yeah I was happy to see no more of the calmag issue spread to more growth. Do you think since above where the affected leaf is wasn't hit by the issue overnight that it will come to a halt. I mean the chrispy leaves were green then showed in 12 hours, and now no more has popped up.

Now to figure out what to feed when I leave town Friday. I always water them, then put water in their trays. Should it be diluted some, or just normal feeding in trays? Ill leave late Friday and be back early sunday.

I am a lot more relieved now, but still pretty paranoid. Can't wait to watch them swell and get insane xD.

Thanks crazy :3



Well-Known Member
Yeah I was happy to see no more of the calmag issue spread to more growth. Do you think since above where the affected leaf is wasn't hit by the issue overnight that it will come to a halt. I mean the chrispy leaves were green then showed in 12 hours, and now no more has popped up.

Now to figure out what to feed when I leave town Friday. I always water them, then put water in their trays. Should it be diluted some, or just normal feeding in trays? Ill leave late Friday and be back early sunday.

I am a lot more relieved now, but still pretty paranoid. Can't wait to watch them swell and get insane xD.

Thanks crazy :3

maybe add a small amount for good measure, id wait till the last day till you know if they need cal mag if any of the leaves get a minor deficiency, catch it early. probably 1/4 what you fed before would be a good choice.

Styles T

Active Member
Yep! time sure fly's which is why I prefer 1st Class ya dig! Flowers are looking marvelous! The 2nd pic leaves were getting crazy ugly but@least the flowers look healthy. I thght my lil brown spots 0n my 1st plant were due2misting but now believe that it was due2CalMag issues as well. I added s0me more B4 putting them to sleep and woke up to find that it helped make the leaves look more healthier(which was expected) but also seemed2have gotten rid of some of the brown spots - I dnt knw, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Keep it up looking real nice! Cnt wait till I start flowering which I'm expecting2start2mrw.