Hello everyone

. Hope everyone is having a good week. Seems like it has dragged on some, but it's almost over XD.
Today marks day #12 of flowering. Plants number one and number two have an enormous amount of pistils on them. They are in the pairs of two, and are lengthy and preparing to make those beautiful buds. Excitement has hit an insane level ^_^.
Number two looks almost just like number two. Huge, lovely, awesome bushes.
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Also took shots of the pistils, everything is looking great. Anxiously waiting those mini buds to pop up. Looks like they are getting quite close
Number three is still slightly behind, but runts to that xD.
Here is number one


Number two

And our runt, number three

And the entire grow


I leave town on Friday. When the lights flip friday it will be their 14th day/2nd week in flowering. I know the trays of food will hold them until I return Sunday.
Thanks everyone, and cannot wait to hear back