Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire


Active Member
I'm using the fox farm trio. After doing some reading in the plant problems section I think it might be a Mg deficiency. I'm going to try and pick up some calmag tomorrow.


Active Member
Holy crap it's been too long since I updated this. I'm sorry to those that had been following. I've been non stop busy with school projects. This is week 6 since switching over to 12/12. One plant is amazing. I've had hardly any problems with and and the buds are starting to look crazy good on it. The other plant has been a problem child and giving me problems. It stretched more than the other plant for some reason and just isnt as good all around. Plus it seems like it's always having some kind of problems. The leaves just started dying off again. And once again the ph was super low and seems to be a calmag deficiency so i just watered last night with some cal mag and some lime to get the soil ph back up. And just today I noticed that one or two leaves on my good plant are starting to die. But I think it's too much cal/mag because it didnt do it after i watered it with cal/mag. But I should be able to get that straightened out pretty quick. I can't wait for the buds to really start filling out the next few weeks. They already smell amazing. You can see in the pics where the one plant is too close to the light and leaves are all messed. I fixed this now tho and it should start looking better soon. Thanks for holding in there and following this some.
