*Second* Grow Journal - Tangerine Dream (fem) AK47 (Fem) and Critical+ (Fem)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Ahh ok makes sense... yeah I think its pretty nute sensitive.. I'm going to lighten up the seedling soil with perlite for sure.. planting straight to fox farms ocean forest


New Member
Ahh ok makes sense... yeah I think its pretty nute sensitive.. I'm going to lighten up the seedling soil with perlite for sure.. planting straight to fox farms ocean forest
Yea I should have known better but live and learn. I have more beans if this one hermies but its still growing since I cut the nutes way down.
I'm not sure its just nutes, look around at other tangerine dream grows...doesnt appear that anyone is making it past the first week or two of growth without issues. idk maybe i'm just being skeptical...otherwise looks good brotha


New Member
I'm not sure its just nutes, look around at other tangerine dream grows...doesnt appear that anyone is making it past the first week or two of growth without issues. idk maybe i'm just being skeptical...otherwise looks good brotha
Could be.. but I sure didn't help it. Maybe they are just super sensitive? It looking good now with the dead leaves off and growing still nicely, with nutes dialed back.

In the mean time I ordered another batch from the menu at the Tude:

G13 Labs Pineapple Express Feminized
White label Super Skunk Feminized
Reserva Privada Sour Kush AKA Headband
Big Buddha Cheese Feminized

Then the Freebies:

Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose Feminized
Delicious Seeds Northern Light Blue Feminized
Delicious Seeds Diavolo Feminized Automatic
Female Seeds X-Line Fast Nevilles
Female Seeds Purple Maroc


Active Member
I would say TD is extremely nute sensetive out of 11 seedlings planted into my soil mix 3 are TD and 2 are growing good but they have nute burn on the lower leaves. and one just sprouted straight up retarded. check out the sig would love to see if anyone has seen these spots before cuz its not just yellow it looks like rust collored spots.
that critical + looks awesome!
cant wait to see your next one with the big buddha cheese ive been debating what my next cheese strain would be. as its my favorite all time strain and i wanna do one every run. just love the smell and taste.
just becareful with the TD its a sensative one.
yea looks like ill have my td's in its own rezzy.thanks for the pic of the nute burns!!!.is that an aero cloner of some sort??how did you keep the water from leaks out of the top lid??i was thinking of putting a bead of sillicoln arround the top edge but im not sure it'll still close or if its even good to use for horticulture


New Member
yea looks like ill have my td's in its own rezzy.thanks for the pic of the nute burns!!!.is that an aero cloner of some sort??how did you keep the water from leaks out of the top lid??i was thinking of putting a bead of sillicoln arround the top edge but im not sure it'll still close or if its even good to use for horticulture
Use rope caulk works great but if you use rubber made ruff neck they don't much leak at all, but I use the rope caulk for a added protection. Easy to use and come off to replace, and cheap.


New Member
Update 02-07

Well my Tangerine Dream is still having issues with leaves, even after turning the nutes down. Either its super sensitive or its having issues with the genetics like others. The AK and Critical are both doing great, so... we will watch it.

Here is the Tangerine Pics:

Its like the leaves look great for a few days then they start to turn. Hmm..



Just starting the 5th node so probably gonna top soon, couple days.


youll love the big buddah cheese i germinated three seeds on christmas,white widow,and 2 big buddah cheese's those things are monsters i gave one to my friend and decided to keep the other it is massive now easily the largest plant in my veg room i just transplanted to a ten gallon bucket of ocean forest, amazingly fast growing plants so far


Well-Known Member
Hope the tangerine dream turns out, I was gonna order some. Hearing a lot of bad reports.


I have tangerine dream going. Its growing really well. Its on its six node set. I did have issues in the beginning though. First leaf set was yellowing but i think it was due to overwatering and no ferts. I had them in rockwool then transferred into mini hempy pots. I had the rockwool to deep in the res area. I pulled one but the other is exploding in growth. Feeding with Floranova grow and it seems to love it. Using the GH drain to waste feed chart. So far she is able to handle 5ml per gallon strength and no signs of nute burn.

I havent used anything but tap water and Floranova grow.

Oh im using tap water which i sat overnight then mix nutes in and ph to 6.0.
Temps are min-71 max-81 under 250watt cfl 6500k.

I have a journal going. Trying tangerine using the Hempy bucket method and Scrog.
Tang dream.jpg

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have tangerine dream going. Its growing really well. Its on its six node set. I did have issues in the beginning though. First leaf set was yellowing but i think it was due to overwatering and no ferts. I had them in rockwool then transferred into mini hempy pots. I had the rockwool to deep in the res area. I pulled one but the other is exploding in growth. Feeding with Floranova grow and it seems to love it. Using the GH drain to waste feed chart. So far she is able to handle 5ml per gallon strength and no signs of nute burn.

I havent used anything but tap water and Floranova grow.

Oh im using tap water which i sat overnight then mix nutes in and ph to 6.0.
Temps are min-71 max-81 under 250watt cfl 6500k.

I have a journal going. Trying tangerine using the Hempy bucket method and Scrog.
View attachment 1435311
that TD looks like a sativa dom. pheno or something... thinnn leaves.. very pretty


New Member
Update 02.15

Well critical can be put into flower *ANYTIME* now its a beautiful plant man.. I only have the nutes at 500ppm for both the AK47 and Critical and the Critical is just beautiful green, no purple and big ass leaves. I need to run lower nutes in veg I am thinking, before it was near 1500 last time I think I was too high even though the Super Lemon Haze didn't mind it.

I would move the Critical into flower now but I am waiting a week for my Super Lemon to get out. So thats where that is.. maybe the super healthy plant is because of the Great White.. first time using in veg!

Critical Pic:

Ak-47 Pic:

I moved the Tangerine Dream out of the nutes as any nutes this young was burning the shit outta her. I made a bucket for RO water only for her, see if I can bring it back.

TD Pic:

See ya next week or maybe sooner if the Tangerine does something.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Next time I see this thread updated, ill post my little TD for you :D by then it should have a little growth

the roots are now taking, the first real set of leaves are larger than the round seedling set

The little leaves are all happy, stretching up and out for the sun :D They are loving the 250w MH :) moving it down a bit every day...


New Member
Next time I see this thread updated, ill post my little TD for you :D by then it should have a little growth

the roots are now taking, the first real set of leaves are larger than the round seedling set

The little leaves are all happy, stretching up and out for the sun :D They are loving the 250w MH :) moving it down a bit every day...
I had to put the first one to rest :( it was having too hard time to recover, I put another bean in water this morning it will be a few weeks behind all of em but will still make it in this journal.

Hard to say if this was my fault (which I beleive it was) or just some bad seeds we will see.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I don't think they're bad seeds. Just picky/difficult seeds.

I mean I'm doing the best I can... light FFOF, 250w MH, LOTS of air circulation, constant 72F / 35% RH. Filtered Water pH'd to 6.3..

All that and they are still stumbling ever so slightly. Tinged yellow, and growing a little odd. I feel like once they establish themselves it will be gravy though.