Second Grow Journal ! 1st Time Outdoor Grower Underneath SouthCali Sky's <3


Well-Known Member
So Far I have Two Sprouts and once they get there 3rd set of leafs ill transplant into the rich soil of the mountain side :leaf:

For Nutrients ill be giving organic things like coffee grounds, wood ash, egg shells, and of course the infamous mollasses ^^

i also have some Smoke And Grow Nutrients from my last grow for vegging ill water with and ill probly have some of the flower nutrients left over so we will see

if you wana see how well my other grow is going it should be linked in my sig below the post

feel free to ask questions , ill be posting pics up later today :D


Well-Known Member
You're growing outside in February?
Good luck!
i live in southern cali :) weather is always nice here , year round just about, im hopping it will slowly grow till march and stay in vegg stat all the way to harvest months later

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
No, I'm familiar with Southern California. I have family from Irvine and Orange County. My aunt lives in San Clemente, and I've spent plenty of time in S.D. Still though, it's a bit early to be getting started, being the end of the La Nina. Your night temps are still really low as well, despite probably hitting low 70's on your warmest days this month.

i think it'd be fine to start your seedlings indoors, under CFL bulbs, for the next month before moving them outdoors in March (weather permitting)... But I'm not there and this is your grow. Either way.