Second grow-hydroponics-


Well-Known Member
haha I definitely did a whole lot of research ! :leaf: Cmon guys there is more room , pull up a seat


Well-Known Member
DAY 4 April 23,2009

Checked this morning again and more seeds have popped and some have nice long tap roots :hump: I plan on putting 3 of them in soil and 1-2 outside and 1 in the hydroponic system;-)



Well-Known Member
DAY 4 April 23,2009

Well I took all the seeds and planted in some soil. I will get some pics up when they pop up.


Well-Known Member
Hey man whats up

Everything is looking good Im curious to follow this post to learn more about hydroponics. I know once you get everything down a hydroponic setup requires half the maintenance that a soil based setup does.

As far as my plants being bigger, my "Day 1" was the day the first seed popped out of the soil not when they germinated. So honestly you are probably right on track with me, you just planted a few days earlier. I actually planted my seeds at like 11PM on 4-19, and they all had over 1", some over 2" tap roots haha! I started germinating them and they popped the next day so I had to get my setup ready before they could be planted. But once I planted them DAMN did they shoot up. In 2 days the tap roots were poking through the bottom of my Jiffy pellets.

I think next time I may use the rapid rooters, I like the looks of those better. You dont have to add water to them right? They just come "full size" from what Ive seen, let me know if this is right or not.

Best of luck to ya man, Im subscribed :)



Well-Known Member
Haha I see, I was going to say your seeds are on steroids. Hopefully they will come up by tomorrow morning or when I get home afternoon. I never used rapid rooters so I couldn't tell you anything about them. Thanks for checking out the grow bro :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Haha I see, I was going to say your seeds are on steroids. Hopefully they will come up by tomorrow morning or when I get home afternoon. I never used rapid rooters so I couldn't tell you anything about them. Thanks for checking out the grow bro :leaf:
Sure thing man, Im excited to watch your grow. Its always great to subscribe to a thread that started very near your own. So are you not using rapid rooters? For some reaosn I thought I read that, but I have read so many damn posts recently my mind is somewhat clogged. Not to mention Ive been out of smoke for 3 days now and Im just not with it haha, how sad is that?!?!



Well-Known Member
No I'm using "Super Started Plugs" and right now there working fine the roots are already coming out the bottom, ITS GREAT VIEW :). And for the smoke , just think when well be harvesting ours and we got our homegrown shit .. mmmhhmmmmmm good.


Well-Known Member
DAY 6 April 25,2009

I have seen great growth in some of the plants and most of them already are grwoing roots out the bottom of the Starter Plugs. All of the plants in the black pots are going to be outside plants.



Well-Known Member
DAY 6 April 26,2009

All of the seeds have a set of leaves and the ones in the soil are growing a little slower but not by much, it is exciting to wake up and see how much they have grown within hours. I will have pics up tomorrow.
