Second grow...hows it going?any tips?


Ok, like it says, this is my second grow. First grow was successful, just over a pound from 6 plants, and 400 less watts then current grow. 2 plants were just over 1 ounce each, they were experimental, and didn't get much veg time, and pretty much were looking sad throughout the whole grow, but smoke is pretty good. Best plant got 5oz, others were 2-4. We grew 4 different strains.
This grow is 12 plants... 3 different strains from seeds found in purchased bud(bag seed), and 3 different strains that came as randoms from amsterdamseeds.
FFOF 33%perlite
day temps 80
night temps 65
8 week veg under 400w mh (6 biggest plants) - 6 week veg 3 randoms - less than 4 week veg on 3 smallest plants.
In 8x6X7 room in basement
Humidity 30-40%
2 Oscillating fan on plants
Carbon filter and inline fan blowing outside
Plants were lst'd throughout veg, except 2 plants, 2 different strains as a learning experiment.
Light - 1- 360w HPS conversion bulb and 1-400w metal halide(both are vertical lights) and 1 400w hps horizontal light
GH Nutes, feeding 8ml micro 16ml bloom (lucas formula) 5 ml of cal mag pH'd to 6.5 and about 1200 ppm
5 gallon buckets feed every 5-7 days, flush every 4 weeks 2 gallons at a time each (2 smaller plants in 3 gallon and what was a clone is in a 1 gallon)
Will be adding overdrive around week 6, and from what i understand it should be only for 2 weeks? which would be only 2 waterings.

Overall everything seems to be going well. Plants started going into flower on 12/15 (2 non lst plants) and by 12/27 everything was out of veg and into 12/12. Most of the plants started having some of the lower leaves yellowing and dying off, which seems to be pretty normal.

The 2 plants that are growing naturally, minus some lollipopping, are growing very different. One is very compact with the shoots going almost straight up, and the other is much more bushy. I understand they are 2 different strains and i would assume that is the reason for this?

There is one plant that has looked iffy the whole time. the leaves always look droopy and it seems to be taking longer than others to show progress. it took the longest to shower sex and it is taking longer than the others to shoot a lot of pistils. Any suggestions or ideas what is goin on with this plant?

ps..sorry for so many pictures...and hps shots.
The plants labeled "T" are one strain that came from "travis" and the "D" strain is supposed to be some sort of diesel. The "R" strains are the randoms that came free with our previous seed purchase from amsterdam seedbank. And the little guys labeled 1-7 were some other bag seed we got and had little veg time. veg pics were taken 11/18 and 11/26. All others were 1/20.

The main plant in question is t1 lb and t1 lb2. picture 10 and 11.
So let me know what you guys think.

d1.jpgd1 2.jpg20140120_182557.jpgr1 2.jpgr1.jpgr3 2.jpgr3.jpgr4 2.jpgR4.jpgt1 lb.jpgt1 lb2.jpgt3 2.jpgt3.jpgt non lstt2.jpgt2.jpgd3 non lst.jpg1-7.jpg20131118_180451.jpg20131125_123753.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow, only second grow?? I would say for sure you have a bright future in the grow room. +rep to you and keep up the good work!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree, thanks for sharing the pics. They all look great. Maybe a little claw here and there but all around good job. I love the lst work.