Second grow help


Hi, Iv started my second grow

My buddy who grows regularly started four seeds off for me in plastic cups, I picked them up last week (10 days to be exact) they were very strechy when I got them and one had only just popped through the Coco he said he had them on his windowsill so I'm assuming they wasn't getting enough light.
I went to my local grow shop for some advice while picking up some other bits and they told me to put them under a cfl for the first few weeks about 2/3 inch away.
I have done all this but the leaves looked like they were being burnt on the tips (cfl is 130w) so I have pulled the cfl to around 5inch away
My RH is around 50/65 depending on the time of day and my temp stays in the mid 20s as I have them in closet until they go into my tent.
My problem is they just don't seem to be growing, I thought it may be because the plastic cups were clear so I've covered them so none of the roots are getting light with no success.
Does anyone have any advice or other tips?
BTW they look a little droopy as I watered them this morning and may have given them a little to much Screenshot_20201018-175417__01.jpg




Well-Known Member
Are you feeding them anything.......they look hungry?
Was you coco buffered?
What pH are you using?
Do the cups have drain holes?
I suggest you consider adding about 30% perlite to your coco when you transplant.