Second Grow Ever-COOKIE TIME!!!!


Active Member
This is going to be my second attempt at growing my own meds and hopefully it goes as good if not better then the first....minus the spidermites that ruined my babies. I managed to find,after looking everywhere,the ever elusive GIRLSCOUT COOKIE strain!! I've got 4 in my dwc setup as we speak. I drove 4 and half hours round trip to get these. I need to hurry up and setup a veg area so i can keep this girl around for myself in the future. Pics to come although there isn't much to see at this point.


Active Member
Sooo,earlier today i posted in another persons thread where they said that people should finish their grow journals or at least give some kind of explanation as to why they didnt complete it. I answered that i no longer update the journals because noone ever gives me any kind of feedback (aside from about 5 people). Then i thought well it's not really about that,i dont really need someone to pat me on the back or to shit on my lack of skills i just need to keep record of my grow if for noone else but MYSELF. And for the cops to use against me in a court of law :)

BLAHBLAHBLAH,on with the grow!!!!

As you can see i got these girls in BAD shape,then things got worse fast...IMG_0313.jpg Ten days later...10 Days (3).jpg10 Days (2).jpg Then i got scared and got 2 CherryKush clones/teens for some backup...IMG_0328.jpgIMG_0329.jpg Only thing is IVE NEVER GROWN IN SOIL so im learning as i go :? Luckily the weed "gods" are with me soo far!! Because this is today...IMG_0342.jpgIMG_0340.jpg,just short of 4 weeks for the GSC and just under 2weeks for the CK,as far as being in my control.

Soooo,there you have it,updated! Now sit back and enjoy the silence.

Btw,i updated my other journal too awhile response :(


Active Member
Also i give all credit for the recovery of those girls to the members here. I dont get the info directly but i get it none the less. THANKS!!!!


Active Member
Thanks Mugan,gonna need all the luck i can get :)

Ps. I'll have my veg box done today and hopefully will be taking my first clones tonight!


Active Member
Veg box up and doing a test run as we speak. Still haven't tried my luck with cloning,but will HAVE to in the next few days because i bought a new bulb and am ready to flower these girls.

Not bad for a noob i think. Two weeks difference....CherryKush Day 1 (2).jpgCherryKush Day 15.jpg


Active Member
very nice she is looking healthy , best be spraying her down .
LMAO!! Funny because i did/have been spraying the bejeezus out of them and inspect EVERY leaf every few days. I dont want to have to deal with mites ever again!! I wouldn't wish mites on my worst enemy ;)


Active Member
1st Cuttings GSC.jpg1st Cuttings GSC (2).jpg Finally made those cuttings i've been delaying. Could use about 100 more to help clean up this mess Day 29.jpg but sadly i have nowhere to put them if they did survive so i think alot will be hitting the trash :'( Seriously "that mess" really doesn't look as bad in person,it looks like a bunch of branched out beauties honestly. And just for the hell of it i snapped a pic of this huge (to me) fan IMG_0348.jpg she looks hungry for N maybe??


Active Member
Looking good. Sadly I lost my CK to mildew. I like your appraoch going with both soil and DWC, personally I try to go as organic as possible and stick only to soil as nature meant to lol.

As for that leaf it looks real healthy. Though the slight curling of some of the fingers makes me thing Mag def, or its just that the leaf was clipped and is just begining to droop and dry up...


Active Member
Pretty sure its just from being cut. Could be mag also since i use RO supplemented with calmag+ but i may need to bump up how much i feed. Thanks.


Active Member
I am soooo Fucking juiced right now! I really wasnt keeping track of the clones aside from spraying the leaves daily and keeping the dome on and wet. Literally about 15 minutes ago I noticed yesterday would be one week since cutting so i decided to give it a look see and sure enough i actually cloned my girls:!::weed: I've managed to get roots shooting through the bottom of my rapid rooters on 3 cuttings soo far and it doesnt really look too bad for the remaining ones waiting to root. I'm seriously stoked beyond control. Not only did i clone successfully but im going to be able to keep my Girl Scout cookies around for awhile :lol:.

On another note i got the urge to start a vegetable garden for this year so i've been building a raised flower bed out back and sprouting seeds in my veg box. Just noticed that i've got quite a garden sprouting all around in there. 2 kinds of basil 3 types of tomato and a lettuce soo far going strong. Im turning into quite a "farmer" and i owe ALOT to peeps here on RIU!!! THANKS mostly EVERYBODY ;-)!!!!


Damn.....rooted in just one week...that's Hella good. Mines usually takes two weeks but then again I only spray them once...hmmmmm lol.... I'll try spraying them more often next time n see what happens


Active Member
All 10 cuttings are rooted like crazy!! I'll be putting them all in soil then i will select the keepers and off the rest probably. The cherrykush is covered in white hairs the GSC is slowly following along. There is supposed to be a week or two difference between the two so thats a good sign.

Veggies are doing extremely well also. I think i was made to be a farmer,time to scrap the baggy pants and DGK (dirty ghetto kids) shit and get some wranglers and cowboy boots. Yeah,thats not gonna happen :)