Second grow attempt white widow micro


helllo der boys n girls, this is my second attempt to grow white widow nirvana. the first time i had to abandon the grow right when my only female started to flower. since then ive been having some bad luck keeping my seedlings alive. these are a week old and are already having some trouble. i have another thread asking fo input on what might be the problem but take a look for using all cfl for this grow because of heat,also its gonna be a micro grow. the space is not too small but its gonna be a close fit (ill get the specs of the box later). any more than two females will probably go outsied to flower. the temp in the box is about 86 during the day depending if i put a frozen bottle of water i can get it down to 78-80. diy c02 2liter,five plants and one seed that hasnt sprouted yet, three fans two computer fan intakes and one o2 fan exaust. any input comments, suggestions appreciated. ineed all the help i can get here are some pics thr last two not very good but you can still see the paleness in the leaves.


i deleted the pictures from my computer but you can see them on my album in my profile or in my other thread in plant problems. ill upload some new ones in a couple of days


Another thing that you want to check is the humidity. When you're vegging your ladies you need to make sure your humidity is around 60-70, 40-50 can also work (you may notice slightly slower growth) but anything lower than that and it will seriously slow down your growth because the pores on your leaves will start to close in order to maintain moisture and not dry out too much.


Another thing that you want to check is the humidity. When you're vegging your ladies you need to make sure your humidity is around 60-70, 40-50 can also work (you may notice slightly slower growth) but anything lower than that and it will seriously slow down your growth because the pores on your leaves will start to close in order to maintain moisture and not dry out too much.
thanks ill keep that in mind. i put in a bowl of water in front of the intake hopefully thaty helps