Second Grow 150w HPS


Active Member
good job. if you got your hands on a server tower then you'd have a even better PC setup for it.
Yeah this thing is pretty big (read old) so it should work out well for me. And I found a 100w HPS security light for $20 on clist, if I get that and can manage the temps with it I may stick that in the case instead of messing w/ CFLs in there.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Yeah this thing is pretty big (read old) so it should work out well for me. And I found a 100w HPS security light for $20 on clist, if I get that and can manage the temps with it I may stick that in the case instead of messing w/ CFLs in there.
That would be awsome. I'm curious as to how a 35w HPS would do hahah.


Active Member
I'm not sure a 35w would be enough for decent flowering on its own, either 2 of them or a 70w might do though. Going with the 100w bc of the price, at only 20 bucks I'll take a gamble on it and if it doesn't work out then I have an extra light to mess around with.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure a 35w would be enough for decent flowering on its own, either 2 of them or a 70w might do though. Going with the 100w bc of the price, at only 20 bucks I'll take a gamble on it and if it doesn't work out then I have an extra light to mess around with.
Well a 35w could do a decent job because you can get it uber close to the tops of the plants even more so if a cool tube is used.


Active Member
The problem you'd run into trying to use such a small bulb is that putting a piece of glass in between can block as much as 10% of the light emitted from the bulb. With the output so low already that'd really reduce the useable footprint. I could see using two in there with a sheet of glass just below them to block the heat but I'm more comfortable trying to cool a single bulb and ballast in that space.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
The problem you'd run into trying to use such a small bulb is that putting a piece of glass in between can block as much as 10% of the light emitted from the bulb. With the output so low already that'd really reduce the useable footprint. I could see using two in there with a sheet of glass just below them to block the heat but I'm more comfortable trying to cool a single bulb and ballast in that space.
well a 35w bulb is around the same size as a 70w but a cool tube would be used. There might be a 4 inch cool tube so that could be also used.


Active Member
^^ That an old Dell PowerEdge server i see? Dual Pentium III Perhaps? :D
Yeah haha it actually is. This thing is disgusting inside, don't think it's ever been cleaned since my buddy bought it. So I've stripped this thing out to the bare minimum, not too sure how I should proceed from here though. The upper portion is all one piece with part of the frame so trying to decide what I should cut and where before moving forward. I think there's enough space in the top rear section that I could fit the ballast in there and section it off from the inside or exhaust over it.

The fan space available is all on the back side, there's space for 1 120mm intake about halfway up and two 80mm exhaust side by side at the top. If needed I can also remove the section with the PCI slot covers and put another 120mm fan there.

Picked up the 100w hps this morning, ended up with 2 of them for $20 instead of just one. Thinking I'll only use the one for now and save the other to experiment with later or for spare parts.

Pics later tonight on progress so far.


Active Member
anything new? been a week! :D
Yeah how's the new computer box coming along?
Sorry guys, was waiting on some stuff in the mail before posting pics because wanted to do it all at once. Thought it was gonna be there that afternoon but was wrong. Been out of town since then, be home tomorrow night though and will be setting everything new up on Wed morning. It's gonna be a big update since it's been so long, gotta include pics of the flowering girl, getting pc case set up for cloning for now, and the ones in veg are getting set up with the LED over them. If I have time I'll also go over remoting the ballast from one of the 100s. Glad you guys are following along and sorry to keep you waiting!


Active Member
Ofcorse were following! U ever get that letter?
Yeah my roommate texted me the afternoon I left and said it came in the mail along with the LED. I'll be getting it out soon as I get back, haha seem a bit antsy for it? Today I've got internet on a computer so I'm trying to run through and catch up with everyone's journals but it's taking forever after just a week away!


Active Member
Not antsy exactly! But concerned! Hahahaha i just want things lost in transition! Well im relieved it made it back!!! Lmao
I feel you on that, it'd be a pretty substantial loss. But I've just gotten home a bit ago and have it sitting on my desk to send before I head to work tomorrow. Played w/ the LED a lil and just for fun I placed it over the pc case frame and it fits almost perfectly on top. If the case were a couple inches wider the light could fit inside, I feel like that'd be a bit of a waste anyway though.

Interestingly, on the light itself it says 150w max and 90w typical. This kind doesn't have any fans so I guess the higher draw would be if the light gets too hot? The description on their site says that it contains 15 6w diodes, but if they can max at 150w total would that mean they are 10w diodes being driven at 6w each? I emailed the company a while ago and they said that the wattages listed on their site and products are what would be read at the plug, so I'm a bit confused on what the diodes actually are. Anyone have any knowledge on this and want to enlighten me? Here's the link for the light I got

Regardless, if it works well for me then I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
congrats on a quality LED panel. the 150/90 is start up surge and normal running wattages. I don't quite understand the math. 15 x 6 = 90. LED's can run at 100% power or they will burn out in seconds. most run about 54% or something like that. and cree runs 3w diode chip sets so how is 6W four times brighter than 3W?!?!?!

not sure on all that, but i am sure it is a quality light and you will love the results!


Active Member
congrats on a quality LED panel. the 150/90 is start up surge and normal running wattages. I don't quite understand the math. 15 x 6 = 90. LED's can run at 100% power or they will burn out in seconds. most run about 54% or something like that. and cree runs 3w diode chip sets so how is 6W four times brighter than 3W?!?!?!

not sure on all that, but i am sure it is a quality light and you will love the results!
Yeah I'm not really putting too much into what they say it does/has. It's really bright for being only 90w though and the plants I moved under it earlier today are already looking much healthier. While I was away almost all of my plants got pretty burned up. The temp in the veg area got to the upper 90s for who knows how long, and the flowering girl grew almost right up to the reflector resulting in some pretty bad burns as well. Also got some strange looking tops now, not sure if they were from the heat stress or if it has started to hermie. It's only the worst burned tops that are looking this way though so if they develop into balls they will be cut off. Temps under the LED are sitting at around 76F which I'm very happy with. I moved up the HPS and added another fan to that side to help with the heat. Pics in a couple min, want to get them all sorted first.


Active Member
Okay so here's the pics:
You can clearly see all of the burned leaves and the weird looking tops, hopefully she recovers well. Thinking it may slow down flowering a little but hopefully nothing drastic.








Active Member
More pics, these are the veg ones and the clones. Gave two more clones away, going to make the best two of the remaining ones into mothers and veg the other two for a bit then put them in flower with the rest. The 6 plants in pots will be in veg under the LED for a week then will start 12/12. By the time they start flower I hope to have the PC case fully set up.

Here's how they were set up:


These six are now in veg under the LED:


Shows how the diodes are arranged on the panel:


The four clones still in their cups for now, they'll get replanted by end of the week:


EDIT: Going to start a new journal to follow the LED plants in the next day or two, will post a link to it when I do.