Second Grow 13 Plants


Active Member
I am really not sure how long I put them into veg. When I get back onto my computer I can look up some old pics and get you a best guess. For now I would say maybe 2 months??? They are under a 1000w HPS So how do they look? should I take better pics of the nods or anything? Like I said this is my second grow and they are all female because they are 1 plant into 13 clones.


Well-Known Member
Damn man those are some big ass plants! You posted that you're using a 1000 watter? I have a 1000 watt hps light too and are just finishing growing auto ak47. Now im growing some purple shit and white rhino. Just wanted to ask you a few questions. When did you put them under the 1000 watter, from seed? And how far is the light from the plants? My girlies burned a little bit...anyways, keep up the good work, i wanna see these plants when they bud!


Active Member
As I said before they are all 1 plant just cut up into clones. So after I cut it up and put them into cups i put them under the light like 2 days later then transplanted. I will keep updates if you want but you will also have to take some pics of your plants. We can post updates every 4 days.


Active Member
I have not used any holes at all and I think I am ok..... I think as long as I don't over water them they should be fine. I only water ever few days so that I know the water is gone in the bucket.
yeah thats fine but you need drainage so your roots can get air if not they will rot in those buckets and you will be wondering why
i dont know why you dont have it now will look like its wilting at first thats 1 sign...yes drill some holes asap..your roots need air to breathe dont keep them with no oxygen, they will suffocate.


Active Member
Well as soon as you said I should drill hoes the next day 1 of my plants looks like it is drying up and dying :( lol all of my others are fine tho.


Well-Known Member
Ain't that some shit!! Dude was right tho..You need to have some sort of drainage..Every grower I talk to stresses that. Roots need oxygen. makes sense I guess.. Nice plants tho. 2 month Veg? How tall are they?


Active Member
shit that is looking good as hell for a secound time growing you must not mess around and take care of shit


Active Member
One is about 6ft the rest are around 5 and a few are about 4ft.. I will update new pics later tonight if I remember. They are starting to bed and its a sight :)

I still did not drill hoes. I don't think they really need holes for air because all my plants are doing fine but the 1. I think I just over watered it and kept watering it and did not realize that this little plant was not drinking up all the water as fast as the other ones. If I am wrong correct me but I think I am fine as long as i don't over water and let the roots sit in water.
One is about 6ft the rest are around 5 and a few are about 4ft.. I will update new pics later tonight if I remember. They are starting to bed and its a sight :)

I still did not drill hoes. I don't think they really need holes for air because all my plants are doing fine but the 1. I think I just over watered it and kept watering it and did not realize that this little plant was not drinking up all the water as fast as the other ones. If I am wrong correct me but I think I am fine as long as i don't over water and let the roots sit in water.
I would say you overwatered it by not having drainage holes you are suffocating the roots..your roots need oxygen and water needs to escape for a healthy root system.. glad to hear your plants are doing good and made it this far with no problems...