You are at 21.5 w/sq. ft. with three HID lights. Those lights would cover about 1/2 the room (50 sq. ft.) with the proper light intensity. But if you wanted to flower the entire 104 square foot, you should double that 2,200 to 4,500 watts = 41.3 w/sq. ft.... Hey all I have a Q: I'm using 1000w hps and my room is 9'2"x11'3" and I was thinking about adding my two other 600w on each side of the 1000w any suggestions I don't want to over kill it but want the best results as possible p.s I don't care about the cost of power ...
Thank you this is good as it will get can't do to much just had a stroke or a mild heart attack 1 weeks ago so I have to take it easy plus I don't know how much time I have left in my house my dad left me when he passed away and the bank isn't willing to work with me so I dont want to invest too much more in this room and I thought I got rid of the powdery mildew in the 5 months I didn't grow before I started this grow and Im finding spots of it on the lower stuff but not bad the funny this is I've never had powdery mildew in the 24 years that I've grown up untill bout two years ago after this crop I'm doing nothing but seed unless it's a clone that comes from a seed haha
Thank you for your advice I'm scared to go in an find out what's wrong but I guess I'm going to have to go because I don't want to dieYou really ought to know for sure whether it was a stroke or heart related as they are quite different things. I had a minor stroke about 6 years ago a week after my rt. lung collapsed all by itself. The lung did it again almost two years later but no more strokes since. Making sure to eat good fats to lube the blood so it doesn't form a clot in my head again. No serious damage from the stroke other than brain fog and more old fart moments that still persists. Not on any medications for anything.
I used dilute potassium silicate spray on some PM and it got rid of it quick. Was on some plants I rescued from a buddies greenhouse just before freeze-up a couple years ago. Came with free mites and thrips too.Never again! lol
Still a big mortgage on the house? Less than 20G to go here but high interest as I couldn't get the bank to lend me money back when I needed it. Never again for that either.
Good luck with the plants, bank and your health!