second attempt at grow/room


Well-Known Member
as far as lighting for clones goes, you can use a like 3 60 watt cfls or the equivilent of 60watts each, more light = more heat and dont let it get over 80 for those tender seedlings, as long as they are still alive, the larger plant, its not getting anymore yellow right? seems like its getting what it needs in the dirt, no flourescent light can compare to MH and HPS, thats what i meant


Active Member
i see. well i know that cfls or floros cant compete with HPS for flowering or even veg (to an extent?) i was planning on just using those cfl's for veg and clones and picking up a 400 watt HPS for flowing in the bottom chamber. i just picked up a free mini-fridge today that doesnt work. i planning on using that for veg as well. perhaps for clones? its about 3.5 feet tall. what you think would be best to use it for? and what would be best lights to use in it? clones below 80 degrees? damn, i dont think anything will stay below 80. thats almost the tempature in the house. it drops to high 70's in the grow room at night, but during the day it hits 83ish max. is that ok?

i know i ask tons of questions, and i appreciate you all taking the time to respond with your advice.


Well-Known Member
the problem here is your tinkering too much, you dont need a mini fridge for clones bcus your only gonna max out at 6 plants, that top shelf you have is perfect for cloning, best use for the fridge is the trash, unless you wind up extending your grow, but then again if u had more space you can end up using the cab for vegging and cloning, get that closet up and running, you can use the closet with the 400 to flower and only vegg in your cab, dude go for a harvest every 60 days


Active Member
i cant use the closet. it gets too hot. i have to use inside air to keep temps down. i got the fridge because i figured i cant veg anything more than 5 inches tall in the top shelf. so i was planning on useing fridge for more medium sized plants to veg a little before going into bottom of flower cab. but your right, i am tinkering too much. i get all these ideas going and i must build shit that i dont need that costs alot to build right that instant. its the way i learn i guess. the 2 new seeds i germinated have sprouted, about 1.5 inches tall and in juffy cubes. when you think i should put them under the lights? leave humidity dome on or no? i had issues with humidity last time during this stage and i think thats what killed alot that i germed, so i trying to get some info for this stage. its the part i know the least about honestly.


Active Member
here is first pics of the new minifridge i got for free yesterday. its already functional and much better than i expected. 7 light sockets on the top. 7 100 watt replacement cfls. 5 blue 2 red. the fan on the back is not a PC fan. its not even DC. its AC. its a 110 cfm server fan i picked up from a computer hardware shop. i have 2 more in reserve. the fixtures and whatnot i got from lowes this morning. i just finished it. for the most part.

was planning on using for veg only. when they are too large for clone area but not ready for flower chamber.

lemme know what you think.

total cost: about 30 bucks.


Active Member
ok, once again it didnt post the pictures i uploaded when using the websites attachment manager............15 minutes of my life i will never get back. i am seriously quite angry.


Active Member
this is unbelievable horsehit. securuity token missing EVERY single time. i would estimate that about 80% of ALL the posts i post give me that stupid error.

im so frustrated, im about to leave this site.


Well-Known Member
heres the deal about seedlings and humidity, i use rockwool 1in cubes, this goes for clones too, they love humidity, the dome serves 2 purposes, for one they love it, 2 higher humidty under lights will keep your medium from drying out, whether jiffy plugs or RW, this is key, cus you do not want to keep soaking your plugs, just moisture, pick up your plugs or cubes and see how light they got, i use a spray bottle and give the cubes like 3-4 pumps everyday or other day. i got seedlings going now and i wanted to get the floros closer so i had to take the dome off, with this in mind i pay close attention to the moisture level, since your already not having problems germing and raising seedlings, you should just about now be getting a good feel for how moist to keep your medium, do not spray the seedlings themselves, also did you watch seemorebuds yet? also clones and seedlings like humidity from 60-90%, once your seedling is established and/or your clones are rooted, a safe zone of 40-60% humidity is just fine, even at 70% i have never had problems


Active Member
cool thanks, currently they just sprouted thier first set of serrated leaves. i removed the dome and put them under the lights in the new fridge. if it was possible to post pictures on this site i would. how long do i leave it domed? its 55% humidty in the grow box right now. is that safe? or should i put a dome? they are in little peat-pots.


Well-Known Member
whenever you use a dome take it off atleast once daily for fresh air and just to check moisture on the pellets, 55 is fine, watch the temps though, i dont know how hot it gets in the fridge, just keep conditions as standard as possible, up to 80F also try not to let them go under 70F either


Active Member
the nebulizer i have in the new mini fridge with them drops the temps DRASTICALLY. so for anyone that may not know that, its worth looking in to. with no intake fan at all and the nebulizer running in a small glass of water below and all 7 28 watt cfl's on the temps are up to 2 degrees LOWER than the room surprisingly. its 78 in the cab and 78 in the house right now, so not bad. when the nebulizer ran out of water when i was asleap, i woke up to the temps being 86. so apparently it must be the nebulizer thats able to lower it so much. the only problem is it needs refilling every 2 hours or so, so its hard to keep full.


Active Member
ya they are looking good. one of the new seedlings leaf has a little brown spot on its first true leaf. would you assume that to be a deficiency starting or the opposite? overfert? whats more common of a sign on one that small. ill take a picture when i get a chance.


Well-Known Member
could be a piece of that clear skin from inside the seed shell, i hope you have them in a medium without any nutes. yea the clones are doing well?


Well-Known Member
You sure did buy a lot of soil. Can't say its the best soil but it'll work. How much are you trying to grow? Is this your first? I don't remember that many problems in my first grow. Maybe you should consider making a pvc skeleton box and making walls of, if you can afford, Mylar and Panda film, film outside, mylar inside. If not, just Panda film's reflective white is Ok. (Thats what my broke ass works with) As for your brown spot... Are you using nutes already? Does your soil contain a pre fertilized kind of mix? (Already includes nutrients) If anything, just grab a bottle of water from your fridge and water them maybe once every 2 days if your temps are still as drastic as they are now.


Well-Known Member
peter, i dont want to sound like a peniS, but i'm helping him and he's well on his way, the issue from the start was his hydro system, temps too high for water, thus creating root rot, at this stage of his seedlings it would be better off if the soil didnt have anything, if it does i doubt it will be too "hot" one things for sure he can raise a seedling, he's using peat pellets so no nute burn


Well-Known Member
Well you are sounding like a penis because I never said that he can't grow it in those temps, I simply said he has to water it more often. And as for the soil having no nutrients, I forgot to add that if he answered my question about if his soil was prefertilized, then he shouldn't do anything but add water, since he can't do anything about it now. I know you're not supposed to have nutes for seedlings, thats just what I was trying to get to. Plus, I'm sure he is open to more than one opinion. Unless you are the marijuana guru of the world then by all means take him as your padawan learner.


Well-Known Member
lol cmon now, hes in good hands, i been with him for a couple weeks making shit happen, i know he values all the opnions but relax, we got this, we're basically doing this grow together


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm relaxed. If you're so confident. Go ahead and help him by yourself. Why come to a community of people when you could goto one person and ask them all their questions.