second attempt at germinating...If u can, send good vibes, prayers, or thoughts!

d burg

Well after my first germination attempt failed, I just tried it again with my only other seed I ordered, Easy Ryder.

-I put one sheet of paper towel at the bottom of one of these:

-Wet the paper towel lightly with natural spring water at room temperature.
-Placed the seed on towel without touching the seed
-Covered it with another layer of paper towel and lightly wet it with the spring water
-Sealed container to keep in moisture and placed in dark, warm closet.

Everything was clean and sterile. I pray this one turns out or else I'll be so unbelievably sad.

I hope this works out!


Well-Known Member
Yea they should crack in anywhere from 24 hours to 36 hours... I usually dont transplant mine till like day 3


I think that will work fine, maybe another layer of paper towel over the top but probably don't have to worry. I just germinated mine by doing 22 hour soak in water on top of water heater, and then germinated in paper towels, tilted slightly to allow runoff to flow to a pool.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
i put mine on the cable box and check every 24hrs to get fresh air in. takes anywhere from 1-5 days patience is key.
I just had a similar problem...I was germinating some autos. I had them oven my cable box in the dark(first step)...I waited seven days and nothing. Then what made the sprout was i wrapped them up in the paper towel, like I put it in.the middle and folded it a bunch of times and a day and a half later it sprouted!!!!! that . If it don't work in two days let me no


Well-Known Member
i personally hate this method of paper towels.

I prep my medium, plant my seed and cover with a humidity dome.

Then wait.



d burg

She germinated!!! Her root was about .5 cm long. I'm so happy!

I just planted her in moist Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil about 1/4 inch deep, lightly covered her up, very lightly watered and put the pot under 2 26 watt CFLs in the grow box.

Is this good for it?