Seattle Police Pepper sprayed a pregnant women she is now hospitalized


Well-Known Member
Today november 15th a pregnant bystander was pepper sprayed by seattle police department during an atmept to arrest occupy seattle protesters



Active Member
either way the ladies pregnant, Thats crazy. Im sure she should'nt have been there but those people protesting are actually protesting for all of us.


Well-Known Member
She shouldn't have been there. Selfish bitch. Think about others instead of yourselves you fucktard hipster do nothings.

Learn to play chess. It helps one learn to think ahead a little
you apparently dont understand the term bystander, as in passerby, not protester, or do you just not like seatle?


Active Member
In any way she shouldn't have been there. A normal, caring mother would have steered clear. "All of us" ? All of us aren't lazy bastards with our hand out wanting freebies!

wow, i believe that by your understanding of this, free speech is NOT OKAY? and its NOT OKAY for a pregnant woman to walk by a PEACEFUL protest? and its only lazy, no job having, beggars that are protesting? man, please think before you speak otherwise people may think you are ignorant.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
^lol seriously i know of 4 people that make 130k a yr that took vacation to help protest so maybe you should think before you speak


Well-Known Member
shit they tazed a 72 yr old women because she wouldnt sign a traffic ticket

The “72-year-old woman tasered” story has raised the bar for the prestigious “oldest person to be tasered by a cop” award.

The previous holder of the title was a 68-year-old woman who was hit an impressive FIVE times with a Taser in an Ohio police station in December 2005.


New Member
Go home. Organize a half-way coherent realistic cause (like the tea party) I may then take you losers seriously.
Hey, patlpp, stop with the insults. This is not the cannabis cafe. You are entitled to your opinion, but stay away from the insults directed at groups or at individuals. This is the medical section, so please, treat it with respect.


New Member
I feel so bad. I used the tea party as an EXAMPLE of organization, not necessarily that I agree with them. I knew that would set your ignorant ass off!!!

OWNED MOTHER FUCKER!!!! PLAYED !!! LOL LOL You are so narrow minded.
Both of you lay off the insults, please. And patlpp, you did not "own" anyone. I am not seeing you contributing much to this thread, so, please, get on point, and stop trying to flame the thread. Or do you enjoy being an instigator?


Well-Known Member
Go home. Organize a half-way coherent realistic cause (like the tea party) I may then take you losers seriously.
actually the occupy wallstreet people are the same people that showed up the tea party rallies + thousands more, you think we take you seriously?


New Member
Just delete my posts, I don't need a fuckin lecture. No wait. I'll do that for you.
Sure looked like you needed a lecture. Start behaving like an adult, and maybe people will take you seriously. And this thread is fine where it is at. Maybe the OP did not want it in the Cannabis Cafe because of the loose restrictions of that forum.....for precisely the reason you just proved for us.


New Member
So what does this Occupy movement have to do with this "Medical" section ? Move the thread Mr wise Moderator, it should be in Cannabis Cafe.
The woman had to be HOSPITALIZED. Medical Forum is just fine. I am not into editing or moving posts if I do not need to. I do not see it as a problem.


New Member
Sure looked like you needed a lecture. Start behaving like an adult, and maybe people will take you seriously. And this thread is fine where it is at. Maybe the OP did not want it in the Cannabis Cafe because of the loose restrictions of that forum.....for precisely the reason you just proved for us.

Just maybe the op didn't want it in Cannabus Cafe? LAME . Thread should go into politics.

$1000 says the preggy deserved it. Did she have a sign on her forehead signifying she was pregnant?


Well-Known Member
why is anyone trying to be a bystander when someone is getting arrested? it's a dangerous situation that you need to distance yourself from. If you stick around and the person getting arrested starts resisting then what's gonna happen?

why was she even anywhere near the protests if she's pregnant? there has been countless news reports that show these protests are not the safest places. If you're in a fragile condition why would you put yourself anywhere near a dangerous situation? I doubt anyone is taking their kids anywhere near these protests so why would a pregnant person go there??

she put herself in that situation. no one to blame except herself.