Eating raw cannabis or juicing it has been found to give positive effects medically. You're not going to get high off it. It has anti nauseating anti migraine effects plus nutritional value. It'll also fix a hang over head ache and if you''ve had too much alcohol the mj juice helps clear your head. Instead of getting stoned like would from smoking, drinking it makes your head clearer and focused.
If fresh juice clears your problems you don't even need potent marijuana, you're not growing for psycho activity, so you'd be able to grow a leafy non stinking plant that has high yields and use all the matter for juice. It wouldnt be about thc content density of nugs or any of the traditional traits breeders breed for. Basically all you'd need would be a high yielder of buds and leaf to maximize your juice production. It's a very interesting concept for medicinal use.