Sealing up a room

HYBRID uses things from multiple systems

its a hybrid snob, i just mentioned this

yeah but air does not travel through wood like a grow tent okay, do i have to state the obvious or are you just trying to be argumentative?
Does air travel
Good morning everybody! I see this thread blew up last night! Lol. I'm attaching a picture of how I am venting the air out of the tent currently. There is an air intake hole on the bottom right side. I don't know what would be more efficient, to, use the tent in the room or the room alone. But right now the plant is okay so thats the important part haha. As long aa I'm not using much unecessary power. I would hope that the way I have it setup now aint too bad. Let me see if i can give you guys a better idea/picture. View attachment 4542697
A/C is all the way on the other side of the room. Surely this has to affect the amount of fresh air coming in? View attachment 4542696
View attachment 4542705View attachment 4542707

With the doors shut, how do you guys reckon I could move that air out? Can't wait til my carbon filter gets here! The noise of this "hurricane" sure sounds like one
Good morning everybody! I see this thread blew up last night! Lol. I'm attaching a picture of how I am venting the air out of the tent currently. There is an air intake hole on the bottom right side. I don't know what would be more efficient, to, use the tent in the room or the room alone. But right now the plant is okay so thats the important part haha. As long aa I'm not using much unecessary power. I would hope that the way I have it setup now aint too bad. Let me see if i can give you guys a better idea/picture. View attachment 4542697
A/C is all the way on the other side of the room. Surely this has to affect the amount of fresh air coming in? View attachment 4542696
View attachment 4542705View attachment 4542707

With the doors shut, how do you guys reckon I could move that air out? Can't wait til my carbon filter gets here! The noise of this "hurricane" sure sounds like one
I have the same problem....laid off so home all day been opening the door and waving it back and forth.....would leave the door open except my cats have a annoying interest in the smell of these plants lol
I have this closet I want to turn into a grow area. The door really sucks.. before i get into ventilating it, lighting and wiring, the first steps for me are to make it smellproof and lightproof.. I was thinking of taking it off and starting off by putting a plastic sheeting barrier with a zipper to go in and out of the room. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Pics attachedView attachment 4541199View attachment 4541200
Take the door off and replace it with a MDF panel. You can then cut vent holes as you need... out the door back on when your finished.

I would take the shelves out too bit up to you
bro, what do you mean make holes in the dry wall, could you post a picture and explain more in detail, as for the grow tent suggestion made by others, i guess it really comes down to how many grows are you going to do and how long can the room be a grow room, are you in a rental or do you own the house or never get inspections, if you plan to use it for at least 18 months or longer i would put $250 US dollars into it and i can help you design and brain storm on how to deck the shit out of that room, make it professional durable strong and even so you can tear it down like a grow tent if you have too, make it so watering is a breeze and all you have to do is water from the top and make it all drain out into a drain or bucket so you dont have to take plants in and out of the tent to water it, you say you have 8 feet to work with, i can already see so much better things happening in that room for around $250 dollars US and a bit of elbow grease, when you could use a $150 to $250 dollar grow tent setup and throw it away because they are weak and not that sturdy, they are also not air proof, you could keep a positive or negative air flow in a sealed room way better and have better insulation for temps inside the growing area, and more air flow, less energy potentially on air conditioning, plus more space.

message me or reply and provide better photos more details and elaborate on your dreams and ambitions for what you actually want and need out of the room, (ideal yields), time frames, outside and inside temps of your house and grow room, is there a window, and so forth.. i know it seems easier to just use a tent but trust me with a brain and a i can do attitude especially with my help,you can end up with something way better and something you will be proud of if you want to do it in my opinion properly. if you have the privacy i would highly recommend.
See I totally agree with what you're saying. Customized. I'm trying to set mine up now. Only problem is skill level.
There are builders and growers.
Builders preach to growers.
Growers, well....we grow.

I know hybrid.... Lol
Rag on this for a while.

"Sealed" and vented....running Co2.

Waaaa. I have a pinhole.

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I’ve been calling the sealed growrooms i build that have the ability to also be vented “hybrid” for years now. I think i came up with the term here on RIU while replying to a thread describing how I build growrooms. I dump my bloom rooms every few hrs when lights on. And a couple times lights off. It just makes for a more healthy room from my experience, especially if using co2 generators.
What’s this thread about? Lol.
Hi everyone, let’s make this a debate instead of insulting others, I think we are all adults.

I been calling my rooms hybrid. I took the design from a guy from icmag years ago. They are build in my garage (2x 5x5x9). They have passive intake with fan carbon filter combo and zone dampers on each one. Intake from my house and exhaust to the outside. my dampers only open when the RH goes above 72% and it closes at 68% but by the time the bellimo damper closes completely (90 sec) my RH is around 62%.
In flower they also open when my co2 drops below 350 and closes when they reach 750 ppm, everything is controlled by my growtronix computer system.

everything works awesome until it rains and humidity is a pita to control that’s the only problem lol.

unfortunately My rooms have been shutdown for a couple months due to my divorce but corona save my ass and I can keep my house.

happy growing
You mention this because you did a quick Google to try to cover up your nonsense, and read the first few words and decided YES! I can say that's what I meant!

You're still way off though in trying to cover yourself, instead of just admitting that you had your terminology mistaken. That's all it would have taken. As for the sealed room portion at least.

He’s reporting people for bullying