So as of lately some of the plants have started to tighten up their nugs.... which i'm pleased with seeing how they are over-heated and under watted right now...

This has been a hectic grow complete with arrests, job loss, assault, court, and the "oh so fun" task of MOVING... which was less than fun.

But a great learning experience I suppose... you find out who your friends are...

Next time I have to move during a grow, which I hope is never, I'll make sure I have the money to load up my suv and then just have it towed.... lmao
Post some pics tonight or tomorrow, I'll be taking the pics tonight.... but since I'm taking this computer to the new apt now, I will have to go to my family's to post some pics of my lil lanky lollipop forest...

unless.... I can mooch off someone's wireless at the new apt like I do here....