Sealed ball jars in the refrigeator?


So, so i harvested my crop last week and its mostly dried out, there are a few larger nugz that are still a bit on the moist side. I am going to be out of town for 5 days and will be unable to burp the jars. Some of the nugz are moist enough that i would be worried about mold if i just left them in a sealed ball jar but dry enough that they would be too dry if i left them out. If i put my nugz in sealed ball jars and then in the fridge would i be alright for a few days?


Well-Known Member
Dont know man... i wouldnt be putting them in jars so soon if they're any way too damp and not being able to check 2 3 times a day....... put them in paper bags till your back... not worth the risk...


Well-Known Member
If wet, YOU CAN NOT SEAL JARS... OK, do not do it... even in fridge...

If you have no means for quick dry, like a wall heater, that you have but not using for season, put on paper towel, on table in front of some kind of heater...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
definately dont quick dry it thats just retarded... and a total waste... paper bag / cardboard box.. damp buds not touching each other and put them in a cool dark place... it will be fine for a few days!!!


Well-Known Member
definately dont quick dry it thats just retarded... and a total waste... paper bag / cardboard box.. damp buds not touching each other and put them in a cool dark place... it will be fine for a few days!!!
No chance of mold doing it the retarded fast way, and look, it is a last resort...
leaving them to slo dry, is an option, which can turn out one of three ways,
too dry dust
dry just right
where the retard way you get 100% smoke able bud, no mold, no dust...
it's not on his whole crop, just a few big nugz...
If it was the whole crop, I'd say no way...
OP--anyway you do it, good luck...


Well-Known Member
There's a thread on here about some humidity controlling block of something you can throw in there.... It's on RIU, the guy said it worked, google can prolly find it for you! But chyea, don't leave thatshiz sealed and wet. I wonder I if you could leave the jar top open a bit and throw it back in your drying room?


What if i was to put a paper town down where the lid was suppose to be and use the band to secure it? that way there would be SOME airflow, its not these are soaking wet still green buds right off the plant, you can roll them into a joint and smoke it, its just a bit green and slightly damp.


Well-Known Member
Ok Sand4x105... i apologise... i hear a lot of people talking about quick drying and i think its a waste.. a complete waste... and something i simply woudnt do... the boys from green house seeds (Amsterdam) dont cure in jars, the slow cure there buds in paper bags for 3-6 months... then store in jars... i started doing this last year and have had spectacular results, if its good enough for the lads from Amsterdam and one of the largest seed banks in the world then its good enough for me... and hopefully you iceman


Well-Known Member
I was watching youtube the other day and saw a guy curing his semi damp buds with the sealing lid flipped upside down for the first few days. Maybe try this. It allows air to escape and pass through but not alot.


Active Member
The refrigerator is a terrible idea. Darkness and moisture. Not good.

You should just let em air dry in very thin paper bags. I'd rather have dry crispy bud than moldy bud.


Well-Known Member
I read that you can get a good slow cure by putting them in a shoe box or heavy paper bag and put them in a frost free freezer... suppose to be a nice slow dry and good results have been reported. Sounds perfect if you have to be away. You gently mix them every few days or so, then stick in jars when they feel right. A frost free freezer has very low humidity. I stuck in a digital humidity meter once and it dropped fast but then I forgot it and it froze.:-o


Active Member
There's a thread on here about some humidity controlling block of something you can throw in there.... It's on RIU, the guy said it worked, google can prolly find it for you! But chyea, don't leave thatshiz sealed and wet. I wonder I if you could leave the jar top open a bit and throw it back in your drying room?
They are Boveda Humidipaks. The 62% are for cannabis. I haven't used them yet, but I'm ordering some withing the next day or two and will let you know how they work if you'd like. They're supposed to get the humidity right at 62% and make little adjustments to keep it there. So it can take moisture out, but also add a little so the buds don't degrade over time. It keeps it at that perfect cure window. I'm actually pretty excited about them as if they work, will help take a lot of the guess work out. Plus you don't burp the jars. You dry them a bit, and get them close, and then put them in with the humidpak and it will take about 24 hours for it to get to 62%, but then should stay there. If they work, they are a great thing. It's from the same company that's done humidipaks for cigars, and they just recently released the 62% for weed. Make sure you get the 62% though. Not higher. Also, I was told the "medium" size is for a Quart container.


I'm no expert but I've been doing the dry in a cardboard box for 2 days - week to get crispy than mason jars with the 62% humidipak and find it works great that's the most hands off way I can think of.