Sea of Seeds reputation

Gand I haven't received mine either but received an email saying it should be today. Afterwards you plug it into the Royal UK tracking site and a couple days after its "reached destination country" you can use the tracking number on the USPS website.
How do we check our tracking number? I dont even have one. I am new to SOS so Im just checking.

Hi Gand order 41 was sent on the 29th please check your spam box if you cant see the email in there let me know so i can see if theres a problem with the automated emailer
I'm sorry to jump in Gandalf, but have you grown the Blue Venom before? just wondering, it's one of the few from G-13 that i haven't given a run. Just would like to know what she's like? Peace out everyone.
The order confirmation came. Nothing about the tracking info though. Like I said before E M, its no big deal. I know it will get here. I do want to help though if there is a problem with your autotracking. Thanks.
I'm sorry to jump in Gandalf, but have you grown the Blue Venom before? just wondering, it's one of the few from G-13 that i haven't given a run. Just would like to know what she's like? Peace out everyone.

Hey Myco....I have never run Blue Venom but with a name like that and two great strains like those combined, it has to be good. I did read some good things about it. I like G13. I'm running 5 PE right now.
Pineapple Express, I love that stuff. I have grown it twice and both times I found the same pheno I liked so much and cloned her to keep her around for quite a while. I was so happy to find it a second time and it says something for the stability of the strain. I'm sure out of 5 you will find something that suits your fancy. Peace out and best of luck when you get those Blue Venom's, let us know how they do.
What if...... Sea of seeds...... Came back online and posted the 30% discount......... Just to get a bunch of orders and close shop again.....

One last shebang.......

Conspiracy.......... x.O
I'm sorry to jump in Gandalf, but have you grown the Blue Venom before? just wondering, it's one of the few from G-13 that i haven't given a run. Just would like to know what she's like? Peace out everyone.

Blue Venom is an excelent choice! I have dealt with her for years! Im on my 5th run with her right now! Great plant to grow, good and hardy, tolerates/loves her nutrients, pre-flowers quick, begins flowering even quicker! She will dbl in size within the first 10 daysof flower, then she pretty much just stops! Gorgeous blue/purple colors.... Sorry I could just keep going! ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!
E M fixed my tracking problem. I really appreciate your hard work in this matter.
Blue venom was og is nicer
definitley better effect....but I've only run one pheno
My order still says processing...has done for 3 days?
never had a bank take this long on me...
Just jokes everyone. You act like it's the first post I've made here.

And I thought the........ 's would help everyone to see.... Nvm obviously no one got it.......

Yay Gand! Hopefully mine will be today too!
Still waiting on tracking from an order paid for on tues....
The rough part is the more I read up on whats coming my way The more excited and anxious I get.... Deep Blue and The widow x widow, need I say more???