sea of green


Well-Known Member
Sup y'all? I was wonderin what the best kind of lights to get for a sea of green would be? the closet is 4ftx8ft. but it's seperated into 4 equal parts for 2 veg rooms and 2 flower rooms. so basically each room is 2x4.
any help is appreciated.
thanks, peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt dedicate that much room for veg at all! just enough to keep mothers and clones. you could do that in the 2x4 part, just one.

dedicate the rest to clones. take cuttings from the mom, let them root. put clones into flower! waaaaahlaaaa!


Well-Known Member
yea that would be good, im doing a system where i harvest every 2 weeks. so i dont know if that would work, it might week or 2 weeks in veg prolly 2, then maybe 4 weeks in flower. probably more.

any suggestion on some lights?


Well-Known Member
Nice sounding setup...

If each grow space is 2X4 then you wouldn't really need to go with more than 250 or 400 watts in each space. MH for veg and HPS for flowering, you'll need some good ventilation if you go with the 400W lights and at least something to cool off the 250W or it's gonna get hot in there:twisted:

Good luck with it


Well-Known Member
sounds good. guess ill just buy one mh for veg and 3 hps for the flowering. i read up on this no veg time basically...seems like the system for me and my grow area.

thanks for the help guys!

captain pothead

Active Member
yeh , a few 250 hps i think will be great for flowering. I run a small sea of green and have seen the light on the 250 hps. Good power but still run cool. I started with a 400 mh and added a 250 hps..... i realized these two fixtures were about equivalent , at least for flowering. go hps