Just realized that this is my journal and I can post my own random crap here as I please.
Really should have started this journal 7 months ago when I started the garden. I have a few stream of consciousness comments in the paper garden journal but my handwriting is painfully slow if I want to be able to read it later.
Probably could have refrained from soapbox’ing on a couple of other threads if I’d done the RIU grow journal earlier as a place to vent.
I like to write and sometimes it flows out of me where I’m not sure where it came from. Not a lot but now and then. Pretty productive writing on baseball (advice as a parent) and weed growing (own history mainly) this year.
I’ve been commenting on various threads recently; mainly if I have direct advice on a question. I spend a fair amount of time trying to adjust tone in posts to not be a total asshat. I know a lot but there’s a lot I don’t know.
I mainly try to be non-rigid with advice, acknowledging there is no single “right” way to grow herb but there are definite methods that have worked for me personally.
But I’ve also called out or piled-on to some bro-science nonsense threads - flushing threads and threads nonsensically arguing “genetic drift” of clones are both topics that bring out my less rigid nature.
The Chungawookie or whatever that Weird Al fat avatar dude was called a couple of weeks ago were entertaining.
Really enjoying this year’s outdoor grow.
I’m already smoking some of this years stuff. It’s way early harvested from either cleanup of lower stems (larfy) and a broken branch (top bud is decidedly un-larfy) . Only dried and no cure but I’d definitely already be happy with this years stuff if I had to chop early and harvested tomorrow. Will obviously be way happier with more ripened buds in another month if all goes well.
Early harvest broken branch top.
Gonna dry trim and roll a spliff with this broken branch early bud in a couple of days:

good times.