SE Michigan Outdoor 2021

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
Started this year’s grow in February and keep meaning to start an electronic journal but am just getting around to it. Planning to update this with entries and pics over the next few days to get this up to current.

The Grow:

Growing two strains from seed:

1) Sour diesel from feminized seeds of questionable provenance (bulk Spanish seeds)
2) Bubblelicious from regular seeds with genetics originally from Nirvana circa 2007 (Seeds are from my own preservation seed run)

The sour diesel seeds were provided by a buddy. Not something I’d have normally picked (breeder or strain) for a more serious endeavor.

The bubblelicious seeds were from a 2008ish pollen chuck using a fast growing male to the female keeper from a 10 pack. Those seeds have been in the freezer for over 10 years, I popped two last year but ended up with 2 males. I’m calling the bubblelicous BB for shorthand, it’s too long a name to keep writing out.

Garden was started indoors in peat pucks, moved to solo cups with FFOF soil, moved again to 1 gallon pots with FFOF and promix, hardened off outside in the 1 gallons, then finally moved to 18 to 25 gallon (varied by plant) with a 50/50 mix of top soil and compost from a local bulk supplier – left over from filling this years new raised beds for the vegetable garden.

From seed ended up with 12 plants – 7 BB and 5 sour diesels. Three of the BBS were male and were culled after they indicated sex. Of the 9 females, I kept 5 (3 SD and 2 BB) and gave away the other 4 to a couple of friends.

Also ended up also rooting a clone taken from one of the BBs I gave away, leaving me with 6 outdoor ladies, five in containers and one tucked between peppers in a raised bed.

Nutes were botanicare pureblend pro to start, then switched to Botanicare CNS17. Pureblend pro getting was hideously expensive. Switched in July to CNS17 which I have used for several years on my indoor tomato and pepper starts.

Been gardening for around 30 years and now take a somewhat laissez faire approach to outdoor gardening. I’m not growing for anyone but myself, don’t consume a copious amount and have access to decent bud even if I don’t have a good year.

It’s the third week of September as I finally am posting this. It is looking like I’ll get a harvest from at least two of my six plants as long as I can keep the PM and bud rot at bay for another few weeks.

The other 4 plants are a little more dicey, they are probably 6+ weeks from really being ready to chop. Pushing up to November in SE Michigan will require some cooperation with weather and some good luck with the fungi. Plants are too big to move into the shed now, plus bottom roots have anchored them to the ground. Moved one about a month ago and she did not like having those roots torn.

Not sure anyone will even comment on my grow journal, but I’m probably going to politely blow off most suggestions on doing things differently. I’m almost done which means this is my baby, not a baby by committee . Not trying to be rude, but I’m not taking this grow nearly as seriously I would an indoor one.

Cheers and happy growing.
Feb 7

Tested positive for COVID on 1/27 and today was the first day I was allowed back in genpop after a 10-day quarantine. Was mainly locked in the bedroom to avoid exposing the family and spent a fair amount of time planning out the 2021 outdoor garden.

Wife gave the green light to grow herb again this year as long as I grow her basil and tomatoes and try out a flat of marigolds from seeds she harvested last year.

Dropped 6 BB seeds in peat pucks and put a 72-spot flat over a heat mat in the spare bedroom with a south facing window. The other 66 pucks in the flat are veggie seeds.

Feb 10

4/6 have cracked the ground
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Feb 14

5/6 have now cracked and little fuckers are getting leggy.


Also threw 3 sour diesel seeds in pucks today.

Feb 17

3/3 sour diesel seeds have popped
Feb 18
Left seedlings in the dome too long but am just starting to get tomatoes popping up. Liking the peat pucks this year, but they dry out way too quick with the dome off.

One of the BBF2 seedlings is retarded looking and may not make it. Only one of the cotyledon leaves developed and it has just a tiny nub where the true leaves start.

Another BBF2 looks like it has damping off, it’s wilty and has tell tale browning/thinning of the stem. Lost two tomato seedlings to damping off too, time to take off the dome and start running a fan.

Up potted a bunch of seedlings (5 of the BB plus some tomatoes) to bigger containers in FFOF and gave light watering.


Already running out of room, time to bust out the 5-tier wire shelving unit.

Feb 19

The retarded BB plant was taken out of its misery.

The one with damping off is still alive but looking quite sad.

Decided to plant the last two sour diesels and two more BB’s.

Cat got into the seedlings and murdered a couple of Anaheim peppers, she left the weed alone at least. Going to plant some cat grass for her.

Set up the shelving unit and added two more lights (using cheap LED shop lights, they fit nicely with the shelving unit). Up to 4 lights on two shelves now.

Am running lights 16/8. Did this last year and it worked ok with putting the plants out in June, but I got a later start by about 6 weeks on the garden last year.
February 21-23

Two developments – first, the wife complained that the spare bedroom smells like dirt and that the big shelving unit is making the room useless as a bedroom. Good thing I didn’t tell her about the massive spill from up-potting that I cleaned up before she saw it…

Second, the nextdoor neighbor asked if I was starting a weed farm in the spare bedroom. The now 4 LED shop lights are quite bright and the lights come on before sunrise and off after dark. Like 92% of the seedlings are not a weed farm, but she wasn’t way off base. Rec legal, but the neighbor is quite uptight. She’ll get some well established vegetable plants in a couple of months from me though, which will keep her happy.

Moved the whole show to the basement. Disadvantage is the lack of any sunlight and limited availability of wall outlets. Advantage is easier access to water, hard floor is easier to sweep up, wife is happy, and the cat is less inclined to fuck with the garden down there.
March 6
Set up mini-greenhouse on patio. Still pretty cold most days.

Have 12 plants now, all in solo cups - 5 sour diesel and 7 BB.

They are all a little overfed from the FFOF but starting to pull out of it.

The BB that almost damped off (lower right in pic) is hanging in there, it is stunted but starting to turn toward the light and putting on new growth. Surprised it made it, damping off has always been fatal (and always user error from too much moisture).

Tomatoes are starting to really take off.


Peppers are up now too, but not putting on growth like tomatoes yet.

March 11

Roots of the sour diesel plants are to bottom of solo cups
March 16-17
Up-potted most of the plants to 1 gallon containers with mix of FFOF and promix. Watered in with 1/4 strength nutes.

March 23-24
Up-Potted remaining plants to 1 gallon.
Topped three of the sour diesel plants to control height.

April 2
Two BBs have clear male parts and were culled. A third appears to be male but will watch a few more days.
One BB and one SD have pistils (yay!)
April 5
Started putting tomatoes and cannabis plants in greenhouse for 30-45 minutes to begin hardening off.

Dog checked out the herb garden.
April 15-16
Tempted to buy a small QB and move some plants from the shelving to a table, but I know that would lead to other purchases and I really don’t have the bandwidth for a full indoor grow right now. Thought I had a 400W HPS magnetic ballast still laying around but it doesn’t look like that survived the last basement purge. Oh well.

Got a tomato cutting to root in straight promix. Go figure.

Did some more topping and light pruning and threw a couple of cuttings in promix filled solo cups to see if they will root like the tomato did. They are not great sized cuttings and I really don’t really need more plants, but I felt bad just throwing everything out.

April 21
Started supercropping and LST on plants to shape them. Tied to side of pots with pipe cleaners.

April 23

Tomatoes are getting totally out of control, had to reconfigure shelving to get them out of the lights and do some more pruning. Several are starting to set fruit, picked off a bunch of clusters.

April 24
Have moved a bunch of plants including all tomatoes, cannabis, and basil to mini greenhouse full time (all have been hardened off over last 3 weeks).

Temp gauge in mini-greenhouse got as low as 36F the first night but plants were all fine.
May 8-May 12
Hard frosts each night. Temp as low as 31F in greenhouse but probe is hanging at top. Likely warmer at ground and canopy. No damage to any plants in greenhouse.

Squash and zucchini in raised beds did not fare as well the first night. Looks like they will survive but frost did some damage. Covered with 5 gallon buckets the other nights.
May 15
Up potted 5 plants to their final containers. Also keeping one BBF2 cutting that rooted it’s very small still and in a solo cup.
May 16-June 1
No more hard frosts but had a freeze advisory the last weekend of May. No damage here though.

Gave 2 sour diesel and 2 BB plants to two good homes. Gave away a bunch of nice vegetable plants too.

June 1
Moved BB cutting into 1 gallon container.
July 19

Did some LST and some supercropping on one of the leggier Sour diesels with bamboo rods to lower height.
July 27
Have been ramping up feedings to 2-3 times per week. Switched to CNS17 after last bottle of Pureblend pro ran out last week.

One of the BB plants still pretty light colored even with increased feedings.
Left plant is the BB that almost damped off in February. Right is a sour diesel.
August 6-7

Had an underwatering incident, they are all drinking a lot of water and this one is in the smallest container.
She looked better 12 hours later.
Posted same pics in the newbie forum and got lightly scolded for letting newbies think it’s okay to do that to a plant. Bad me.