SDF's Micro grow because he is an impatient bastard.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm going to start a MINI grow. Why? Because I'm waiting for my grow supplies for my main grow (coco, 600w, tent, etc.) and Im an impatient bastard.
Im doing this mainly as an experiment, using only things that I have laying around and stuff I can steal from walmart (sue me).

Ill post all the info and picks in a bit, this is to just put the word out. So tell your kids, tell your wife, and tell your husband because Im getting everybody high out here.
More Info:

The dimensions are 17.5x21x39.5 and its made with card board and duct tape fitted around a metal drawer set. I put a layer of trash bags between the cardboard and mylar (actually its Emergency Blankets). I had some computer fans laying around so I put 2 5" exhaust fans on top and one 4" intake fan. I'm using promix soil thats nuetral and has no nutes with fox farm American Pride fert. I'm starting them out in all natural seed starters and then put them in something once they sprout. Pics are worth a bunch of words so heres some pictures.



Well-Known Member
I put the seed starters in solo cups filled with Pro-mix because they were drying out too much. I think im going to veg for about a month and then flip to 12/12. By then Ill have my cab and this will go straight into flower. I may also destroy the cardboard on this cab after i put the plants in the 3x3 and redo it with ply wood and have this my veg cab or mother plant cab.


I really like the idea of using the metal frame in a cardboard box to make it crush proof. The Velcro fastening is a nice touch too. I like the way you rigged your light ballast (it looks similar to the light rig in my PC box) and it looks like it'll be efficient too.

What seeds are you growing?


Well-Known Member
just bag seed from some dro. They're all from different bags though. I want to change the way the lights are set up because some of them aren't close enough to really matter


Well-Known Member
just checked my water, the ph is about 8.3 with the ppm being 185 (143 if i use the brita filter)

Does anyone know a good home remedy for ph down?


Well-Known Member
the seeds still haven't sprouted, I think they got dryed out too much when they were in only the seed starters. If these dont sprout soon, Imma scrap it and start anew in coco. I will keep yall updated though


Well-Known Member
just checked my water, the ph is about 8.3 with the ppm being 185 (143 if i use the brita filter)
Does anyone know a good home remedy for ph down?
  • Gh Up /Down and Earth Juice will lower your pH but won't be affected by a weak base and will sustain itself [won't wash out in multiple waterings] Same could be said for elemental sulfur too....but there is a difference between lowering your pH and what your buffering capacity[alkalinity] is....[short term vs. long term]

  • When I started out, a mentor, used Boric acid, lots of magnesium sulfate / calcium sulfate in the water. It always "seemed" successful, more anecdotal, however.

  • Cheap, easy, quick, but probably won't last [i.e you will have to re-apply till you pull all your fuggin hair out:i. e. constantly] [Emergency's only, is probably what most would recommend here..]
    • Vinegar
    • Citric Acid
I want to change the way the lights are set up because some of them aren't close enough to really matter
That is some Y wizardy, but all those fixtures out of the 1 lamp socket, even if it is rated for it would kinda scare the shit out of me, unless there was a fuse inline. How much are you pushing? 5 amps?

What about just hanging some power strips with plug-in light sockets? Then add your Y'S.


Well-Known Member
yea im about to do that, Im trying to upgrade my system to either a 3x3 or 4x4 and an HID light. These plants never popped so I germed some more but I'm going to make a new thread. ill post the links in a minute.