SD grows Gorilla Glue #4, phantom OG and ghost OG

I stopped adding seaweed extract last week. Its started causing little algae to form on top of my promix as well as attracting some gnats. All is well now. So im going to stick to dyna gro and forget about switching to jrpeters. All I do now is feed protekt and foliage pro at 1:1 ratio. Im using sulfuric acid to drop my ph to 6.2.
Im having a hard time deciding what carbon filter to get. I have a 6" can fan running on low (201cfm). there is two 90 degree bends in the ducting and 2 small ones. I am still getting crazy negative pressure in my 4x4 tent. Here are the ones im looking into.
1)Mountain Air Carbon Filter 4" x 16" rated at 188cfm $100

2) Can33 rated at 200cfm $120

3)Phat Filter 12 inchx6 inch, rated at 275 CFM $86 or the 16x6 rated 375 cfm version $100

4) Phresh 6 by 16-Inch rated at 400cfm $130
How many times a week do you guys water your promix? I think mine is staying wet for too long. Im not to sure if its a problem. Doesn't seem to be, but it doesn't feel right letting them go over a week without watering and the pot still feeling heavy. I still water 7-10 days with 15% runoff even though soil is still wet. hopefully I don't run into problems.
Im having a hard time deciding what carbon filter to get. I have a 6" can fan running on low (201cfm). there is two 90 degree bends in the ducting and 2 small ones. I am still getting crazy negative pressure in my 4x4 tent. Here are the ones im looking into.
1)Mountain Air Carbon Filter 4" x 16" rated at 188cfm $100

2) Can33 rated at 200cfm $120

3)Phat Filter 12 inchx6 inch, rated at 275 CFM $86 or the 16x6 rated 375 cfm version $100

4) Phresh 6 by 16-Inch rated at 400cfm $130

I like fresh filters myself.
How many times a week do you guys water your promix? I think mine is staying wet for too long. Im not to sure if its a problem. Doesn't seem to be, but it doesn't feel right letting them go over a week without watering and the pot still feeling heavy. I still water 7-10 days with 15% runoff even though soil is still wet. hopefully I don't run into problems.

At most I'll water every 3rd day in flower. So if i water on monday, by thursday I would absolutely need to water again. In that case, wednesday is probably the better day to water for me. But watering is kind of a specific thing to your plants, pot size and your environment.
At most I'll water every 3rd day in flower. So if i water on monday, by thursday I would absolutely need to water again. In that case, wednesday is probably the better day to water for me. But watering is kind of a specific thing to your plants, pot size and your environment.

I think I worded this wrong. I meant to say 'At the longest, I'll water every 3rd day in flower'. As Akhiymkames mentioned, the perlite I add helps the containers dry out faster and more evenly.
I have a big bag of pumice. I should have added some before the transplants. I think ill be fine though. The phantom og's in the flowering room must be watered every 4-5 days, and the veg ones I can let go for 7-9 days for now. The phantoms og each got 2.5 gallons of 400ppm water today.
I like fresh filters myself.
have you tried phat filters?
For my next run im going to try out the 5-1-1 mix.

The 5:1:1 mix:
5 parts pine bark fines, dust - 3/8 (size is important)
1 part sphagnum peat (not reed or sedge peat)
1 parts perlite (coarse, if you can get it)
garden lime (or gypsum in some cases)

This mix is intended for annual and vegetable crops in containers. This soil is formulated with a focus on plentiful aeration, which has an inverse relationship w/ water retention. It takes advantage of particles, the size of which are at or just under the size that would guarantee the soil retains no perched water.
Your plants look excellent, Stoned Drifter. Living proof what Dyna Gro's Foliage Pro and Promix can do.

I think you're the first member on rollitup that has even mentioned Al Tapla's 5-1-1 mix. I have a large batch mixed and ready to try out for the summer.

Good luck to you!
Your plants look excellent, Stoned Drifter. Living proof what Dyna Gro's Foliage Pro and Promix can do.

I think you're the first member on rollitup that has even mentioned Al Tapla's 5-1-1 mix. I have a large batch mixed and ready to try out for the summer.

Good luck to you!

Thanks duster. Im really excited to see how Al's 5-1-1 performs.