Scroggsys Grow Room build


Active Member
Hi Rollitup members, Im new here and am starting a new grow for the first time so please go easy. Any constructive input in this thread is much appreciated and thankyou for reading.

Ok so I have just recently started preparing my loft. I have installed thermowrap foil insulation to the rafters making it as airtight as I can (I hope this will go some way to keeping temps under control) it certainly seems warmer already. I have boarded the floor and added a double spur socket for power. I would have posted a picture for you to see had i not lost the camera.

Here is a diagram of some of the space that I have available.
Loft space.jpg

The depth for this area is flexible as it's a loft as I can staple up plastic to the rafters to suit the depth needed. Im thinking about 1.5 - 2 meters will be ample.

Now what I plan to do here is to grow some small trees in bio buckets in this formation using a 600w digital ballast and blockbuster air cooled reflector. Vegging with a 600w MH bulb before flowering with a 600w HPS bulb. My question is how does this look to all you experienced growers?
Arty Farty.jpg
I did consider having two 600w with 6 plants, but id rather just have the one for now and have 4 plants. Can I successfully grow 4 small trees like this under a 600w?


Active Member
So im hoping to grow 4 plants a bit smaller than the size in this video. Is this doable with a 600w or am I smoking crack ? Any suggestions of ways to improve my idea would be very helpful.

Please bear in mind that i plan on doing bio buckets as this system will not require res changouts. Being in a loft I need things easy as far as water is concerned. I am plumbing into the mains supply for the water storage tank with a float valve in the res.




Active Member
I'm assuming the 2nd diagram is how you plan on laying out your plants. Circle > Square. Light eminates from your lamp in a circular pattern so you want your scrog to be circular. This will also keep all parts of your plants with even light exposure. A square scrog, the leaves in the corners get screwed and receive less light and from further away. You wont be getting trees that size from a single 600W unless you veg for a long, long time, and most likely a sativa dominant strain. That video is also an awful way to compare 600v1000w. He's growing both plants in the same room with no divider so its not 1 tree under a 600 and 1 under 1000 its 2 plants under a total of 1600w

XS Brain

Active Member
Personally I'd drop the hood and make the bulb air cooled and vertical. Also whats your reasoning for not using a 1000?


Active Member
Hi ExDex1x1, thankyou for your input. All duly noted.

Maybe I should also add some more info....I plan to propagate very small plants seperately under t5's before putting them under 600w mh for veg in the buckets for a month or so. Then switch to 600w hps for flower. I do not have any plans to scrog these plants (or Should I ?).

The reflector I plan to use is a sun systems blockbuster air cooled hood. Would 250w hps lamps add sufficient side lighting? Im not sure how to light these plants best.




Active Member
Ok XS brain that sounds like a good idea. Not having experience I dont really have reasons, but I thought that an air cooled hood was better because of it being a loft grow. I also thought that 600w was more efficient than 1000w.

Im kind of contructing a triangle tent up there with the left over thermowrap stuff. Would treating the whole area as an aircooled hood be a better train of thought? i.e it will be fairly well sealed definately with negative air pressure.

Like hang one light in the middle and have 4 250w lights around the outside? or will 250w lights only get me poor quality buds? I want to save as much power as possible.




Active Member
Ok XS brain that sounds like a good idea. Not having experience I dont really have reasons, but I thought that an air cooled hood was better because of it being a loft grow. I also thought that 600w was more efficient than 1000w.

Im kind of contructing a triangle tent up there with the left over thermowrap stuff. Would treating the whole area as an aircooled hood be a better train of thought? i.e it will be fairly well sealed definately with negative air pressure.


Vertical cool tube for the light would be best bet for a circular SCRoG. Stadium wouldn't work in this space idk what that guys talking about, your plants would be at such a severe angle because of the inward slope of the roof you'd be spewing water everywhere.

600w vs 1000w will just give you more yield slightly better coverage (considering the area you're working with) and it'll cost more and produce more heat.

Btw not to be a downer but if you don't live where it's legal to grow, this is one of the worst spots in your home to grow because you're going to light up like a Christmas tree on infrared sweeps.


Active Member
Ok I appreciate the heat issue and infrared. The loft has been fully insulated with double foil bubble insulation stapled to the back of rafters with plenty of airgap from the tiles/felt (sealed pretty well, no drafts). The tent I make will be within this space with a 4" airgap (at the highest point, getting more as the roof comes down) between the tent and the foil insulation thats already up there. I plan to run 6" exhaust from top of triangle tent with 4" intake at bottom from bathroom ceiling fan. Using a dual fan speed temp controller.

What amount of lighting do you think I can get away with ? im going to overspec the fans and have 2 fans (one for intake, one for exhaust)

I will get pics so that you can see properly what I mean.

