Scrog height, does it matter?


Well-Known Member
If you are truly scroging then I don’t believe that having the screen higher will have any benefit. As you mentioned you are planning on lollipopping the lower growth which would just leave a bunch of wasted growth under the screen in my opinion. If you canopy is 3x3 on the surface and 14-18 inches deep it won’t matter if that canopy is 10 inches above the soil or 18,24,30. Because your ideal canopy size is still the same based on your light and other grow factors.

Most real Scrogs I’ve seen over the years and the way I have done them. Is to place the screen 10ish inches above the medium and as the plant grows in veg you keep it below that screen so that all the growth gets moved sideways instead of upwards. So in the end you only veg the plants as long as you actually need to to get a nice full screen.

I have seen people Veg plants and and then flatten them out with the screen to create their scrog. But that always seemed like way more stress on the plant and I like being able to control the weaving process.


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple of good Scrog tutorials, they are basic and everyone will have their own spin on this as well. Youtube SCROG and you will have tons of help



Well-Known Member
My very first grow I built a two layer scrog but put it up after transplanting into 5 gallon pots so my scrog was too late and basically just acted like a support for the buds and didn’t make it to the second layer. The scrog was built with 1/2” pvc water line and nothing glued so it could be torn down and heights could be adjusted. This time I went with no scrog just to see cause like I said these pics are my very first grow. Currently on my second grow and flipped 5 days ago. I do want to get a 3”x3” netting instead of 5”x5”



Active Member
Went with 18” on this one to smoosh the plants down a bit and spread them out, will probably go 12” from here forward with the rest of them after this run. The nice thing with the pvc is I can cut different length legs and hang onto them for different situations. At this point I’ve only got enough light to flower 2-3 girls so I’m gonna have some big ladies waiting in the veg tent until I can increase my flower space



Active Member
My timeline is like this:
Day 1: Plant clones.
Day 10: Roots showing in clones.
Day 15: Plant in 4 inch pots, put under 24/7 HID light at 600 watts.
Day 25: Transplant into 5 gal smart pots. 24 hours of dark, temp down to 65F.
Day 26: 12/12
Flower for 8 weeks and harvest.

Flower longer if you like, but that's a run at my house.
Seems like a very short veg, do you have a plant count or are you free to grow as you


Well-Known Member
Seems like a very short veg, do you have a plant count or are you free to grow as you
By the time they go to be flipped, they are (usually) 16 to 18 inches tall.
I have a system that I have to conform to as far as timelines are concerned. I can take clones earlier, and veg longer if I needed to; and if I did need to I would.
But, a well rooted and healthy clone in a rockwool cube, put into a quart container should grow an inch a day.

IF your goal is profitability, time is your enemy.
IF your goal is more of a custom, artisan or hobby .... not so much.

PS: Also, I don't think that my plants get as big as yours. I put either 9 or 12 plants under ONE one-thousand watt Gavita DE. I think you make your plants big, and THEN put them in flower. Different ways of doing the same thing.