scrog and broken branches


Active Member
I know i cant be the only one who has broken branches doing lst or scrog. My question is what is the best advice for partially broken branches. I have 2 large branches that have partial breaks in them (on about 50% through and the other about 10%). The branches are still alive but i am tring to figure if i should see if they will repair themselves or should i cut them to allow for light to the rest of the plant. I am currently in the first week of flower with 5 week or so veg time. The branches are rather large and do make up a signifigant amount of screen coverage but i also over vegged a bit. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Tie them up so the are secure. Then put some tape around the break. It will heal itself it hasnt been open too long or its too deep. Good luck!


Active Member
this is just a shot in the dark. but put some rooting hormone on the break then some ducktape. maby the rotting hormone will help it mend its self.some 1 correct me is i am wrong


at walmart next to the tree training stuff is some tree glue, its black but if you tie the broken branch where it was then last and slather it up, it also seals it from infections etc...right around it should be a green plastic "tape"(no sticky stuff, it sticks to itself) you could prolly cut some plastic wrap and get the same