Screwed must flower! hellllllllllp


Well-Known Member
bah, i had spent so much time and effort into this grow and I'm just finding out that I absolutely have to move in 3 and half months... :(

Anyways, I was wondering, I have been vegging my plants for about 7-8 weeks and no preflowers yet... How long after switching to 12-12 should I expect these plants to show sex?

Also, the plants are in my bedroom which is PITCH BLACK all night then, at like 7 am, when the sun comes up it starts to slowly get lighter(no direct sunlight) just not pitch black anymore.. is this a problem?

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
within a week or 2 you should know what sex ya plants are and you should keep that room as black as possible for the relevant amount of time coz itll probably mess things up otherwise.peace


Well-Known Member
well if ya plants look well then feed um nomore than half strength bloom nutes on there next water and increase it gradually,,i never give my plants more than 3quarters strength,,i also for the first week or 2 when i change to 12/12 add a little veg nutes to the water aswell,about a quarter strength, and for the last 2-3weeks i give um diluted mollasses,i flush 2 weeks before harvest,given um mollasses all the way to harvest is fine.peace


Well-Known Member
yea! dont try to move them.I moved mine once and I got seeds , probably from pollen in another room.potent basterds.


Well-Known Member
well 3 1/2 months is more then enough time to flower your plants, so dont worry about that.

Also are you using any other type of light, or just the indirect sunlight coming in through your window? If your just using the indirect sunlight, that is deffently not going to be enough to flower them. You either going to have to give them some direct sunlight, or get some cfls or something to add to the indirect sunlight.

Do you have any pictures?


Well-Known Member
And you can flower right now no problems, some people flower as early as 4 weeks, so 7-8 should be fine.

goodluck mate <3


Well-Known Member
no no no i am not using sunlight from outside!! we actually get little-no sunlight, I was asking if the really little amoutn of sunlight that brightens up my bedroom was enough to affect the plants? THey get no direct light from the window(which is covered by decent blinds)...

I attached a picture, its not the newest one(my plants are larger then that) but its the only one that shows my lights.. I am planning on using this same 6 x 54w system from seed to bud..

So I should continue small amoutns of veg nutes then in a week administer small amounts of bloom nutes, gradually increasing the concentration..?



Well-Known Member
man im so lazy i didnt want to get my camera and take new pics lol.. anyways I got off my ass and got it done, I know they are still small but I have to be out by june 1st.. anyways how much do u think i could get.. im sure they can still jump up if i give them bloom nutes and stuff.. good genetics too, thinking about taking a clipping and preserving the genetics for my next apartment...


Well-Known Member
no less.. I probably counted wrong.. they sprouted and were put under the soil in the middle of january. all 6 there range from 5-7 weeks. I realize its early but I have to move out by June 1st. I will probably take clippings from them? What else can I do?


Well-Known Member
you can put them in 12/12 now and make sure that all the evidence is gone by june 1st. they will most likely double or more in size once you do that.


Active Member
and no light, at night my plant is in my closet and is left in total darkness even light from another room shouldnt seem threw cracks or openings in my closet ;) so that may give u an idea of how dark it must be. ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah they are less then 8 weeks, a lot of stuff went wrong this grow(i.e. i Kept them in small pots for too long, gave them nutes really late)... Also, they were growing under my desk lamp for a long time while I figured out what light system I wanted to buy... Really, these were more of an experimental grow and I am pretty upset I wont have anymore time but keeping them vegging for another month or two would just leave me with massively sized plants and no place to flower them so.. :( see where im screwed ?

Lease ends june1st :(


Well-Known Member
would it almost be better to just grow them for another month and a half then try to find a cheap summer apartment that I can clone and bud...? This would be really difficult and Id have to find a job but if the end result is 9x more Afghooey and g13 then fuck ya lol