scramble the jets


New Member
So, trolled...<sigh> The 22A is about FDR. Typo trolled again.

pay attention to the broken for they too can be whole
you came in with 22A when I was talking about the 22ndSAS - learn to read.

See the difference between 22A & 22ndSAS and how they cannot possibly be confused...

This is what I was referring to you ignorant geriatric...

SAS soldier 'celebrated IRA killings with a beer'

You and FDR... how many times do you want to be wrong? give it up already... You come up with the most retarded and fallacious views on history it's almost inconceivable you made it to old age without dying of stupidity.


New Member
I recommend against calibrating your posts to Buck's. One day it'll reach up and bite him.
I accept your point in re going off Doer's post.

However I am still curious about the nine Rs or thrice-three Rs. After that I'll ask about the nine Ks. I'm asking you directly, so there should be no danger of loss in translation. cn
three R's - reading, writing and arithmetic

My posts abrasiveness must be matched to that of which I'm replying... Funnily enough, I do restrain myself, I don't say half the shit i'd like to say... Not to you bear but just in general...


Ursus marijanus
three R's - reading, writing and arithmetic
But you said three RRRs. That is is not the same and adds up to a nonet of consonants. Just as three KKKs are nine Ks. I know that three Ks placed in sequence in the US is a fightin' term, but three KKKs which comes out to nine Ks? An unfamiliar formulation to me, and I reject a claim that a more conventional one can be simply substituted without acknowledging and then correcting an error.

Since you have not retracted the nine-Rs format but merely tried to replace it, that is not a correction. The question remains current. cn


New Member
But you said three RRRs. That is is not the same and adds up to a nonet of consonants. Just as three KKKs are nine Ks. I know that three Ks placed in sequence in the US is a fightin' term, but three KKKs which comes out to nine Ks? An unfamiliar formulation to me, and I reject a claim that a more conventional one can be simply substituted without acknowledging and then correcting an error.

Since you have not retracted the nine-Rs format but merely tried to replace it, that is not a correction. The question remains current. cn
apologies three RRR's = typo...

officially retracted...

three R's should have been used instead...

I'm drawing CADs and posting ATM and have been for the last 8hrs... 0800 here...


Well-Known Member
apologies three RRR's = typo...

officially retracted...

three R's should have been used instead...

I'm drawing CADs and posting ATM and have been for the last 8hrs... 0800 here...
yay cad... do you use solid works

that's what i have been doing for the last 18+ hours lol

And this thread wow, I thought the Scott & english Brit at my office had it out for each other

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Over the last 2 weeks the local national guard has been flying helicopters in a sort of grid north and south.
Something is up usually when they have so many planes in the sky.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
99.9% of military aircraft in the air is training exersises. I've lived by a few big air bases and it's a constant thing. Who the fuck knows what they are up to? i just wish they would of been this busy and active on September 11th, 2001. Or were they?


Well-Known Member
I know someone that works for a defense contractor... They lie to these people and say they are being used to fight the war on drugs... LOL... It's the war on their own peeps they are really developing for. USA has more spy satellites looking down on the USA than anywhere else in the world.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
99.9% of military aircraft in the air is training exersises. I've lived by a few big air bases and it's a constant thing. Who the fuck knows what they are up to? i just wish they would of been this busy and active on September 11th, 2001. Or were they?
The local base had a lot in the sky on 9/12.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I didn't see that on the news tonight.
It was released, then buried.... They have to report it but then drop the subject - that way people don't ask too many questions...

Kinda like the $2.3 TRILLION the Pentagon said it couldn't account for on Sept. 10th, 2001.... Guess what happened the next day?

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
shit is always up..i saw drones in va a couple of years ago, (they are already here, but its cool, we can trust the government, right?) and small blimps in southern utah last year. folks would see more if they spent more time outside i bet...
and last year, sitting on her porch in the middle of nowhere, a girl and i saw thousands of bubbles falling from the sky, popping at tree level. i rubbed my eyes and when i got her attention, and was like "hey look"...the bubbles began moving away, not all in the same direction as if the wind blew them, but like they were scrambling and bumping into each other, like they were in a panic to get away... like they saw us. it was weird as fuck. it freaked me out a little actually. ive been shot at, stabbed, ran over, electrocuted, etc and the sight of thousands of these bubbles acting like animals, like they were thinking in a herd, freaked me freaked her out enough that she doesnt like to talk about it. ..but yeah, shit is going on all around us.


Well-Known Member
But you said three RRRs. That is is not the same and adds up to a nonet of consonants. Just as three KKKs are nine Ks. I know that three Ks placed in sequence in the US is a fightin' term, but three KKKs which comes out to nine Ks? An unfamiliar formulation to me, and I reject a claim that a more conventional one can be simply substituted without acknowledging and then correcting an error.

Since you have not retracted the nine-Rs format but merely tried to replace it, that is not a correction. The question remains current. cn

not sure what all that means but my truck broke down at the corner of kk and k bout a week ago