my new growth looks like a dog with really scraggly and stringytwisted. the lower new growth looks fine. this is my first grow. ph 5.8, inside temp is in the mid 70's. just added nutrients after a 24 hour flush. should i cut back on the nurtrients again? i added 2 teaspoons for every gallon the first time. after the flush i added three teaspoons for the four gallons of water. i noticed a substantial growth spurt. for me its substantial compared to the growth rate before the flush. new roots are dangling from the net cup everday i check it. im noticing some brown spots on my root system. i read in a thread that not all root systems are going to be solid white and it could be the plant adjusting to the environment its in. two from today are tied down. other one is from yesterday. time stamp is on photo. thanks.
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