Scotts soil fertilizer


Active Member
Hey, i was wondering what you guys think of scotts soil fertilizer. I will be using scotts soil to grow in & was curious what you think of there fertilizer.
It's cheap and easy to get. It'll work, but for better results you'll want better nutrients.

For vegetative growth, fish emulsion is very cheap and works amazingly well. For flowering, anything meant for tomatoes will do quite well as tomatoes have the same nutritional requirements.

Otherwise, for the best quality nutrients, check out the various grow journals here on RIU! ;-)
It's okay... a lot of cheap ferts have a large portion of their nitrogen coming from urea, which is slow release (okay) and can also burn your roots (not okay). These off-the-shelf ferts can do well - I would suggest using 1/2 of the lowest recommended dosage at first.

You can still get good ferts with better nitrogen (nitrate and ammoniacal) and better micronutrient profiles without blowing the bank -- Jack's and Dyna Gro make good stuff without urea, and still cheap -- you'll have to look a little harder or mail-order. Foxfarm has good stuff, a little pricier and gimmicky-er, but still good. I think the "super duper bud booming blaster budz" kinda stuff is BS at a high price, but I'll admit I haven't used any of them, that's an IMO thing.