Scissorz FTW!!!11


Active Member
OK it may seem dorky but I have to testify to this. If you smoke pretty regularly a pair of sewing scissors really comes in handy. I stumbled upon the idea reading through a friend's copy of Jason King's Cannabible (btw a wonderful read/reference if you're into pot lore imho); trim your bud w/ them and a layer of plant matter thick w/ resin glands will quickly build up (I've been using mine for awhile now, they're starting to look like they're growing moss or something) - and you can easily collect it to smoke using an Exacto knife or razor blade:bigjoint:Plus, you're not breaking it up by hand, so fewer glands end up as a sticky film on your fingers and your smoke will be (technically) be more potent. The scissors themselves are fairly cheap (mine were like $10) and at the very least it's a good conversation piece:)



Well-Known Member
lol do you know they can give you paraphanalia for that?
Its such bullshit.
Good idea though


Well-Known Member

Get you a pair of FISKARS micro-tip, retractable soft touch pruning shears!
It's much more forgiving on your hand for a long trim :-D
and the scissor hash accumilation is great too:hump: