please don't let this thread get off topic; It is common sense you can not wave your magic wand and turn schwag into high quality 30% thc bud.... however you can maximize the potential of a given strain using the proper lighting, nutrients and care simulating the optimal environment for that strain.
Yes, genetics plays a major role however there are a shit ton of other influences and if you tell me there aren't you are a hypocrite with your 400w-1000w hps lights,hydroponic systems, mylar sheeting/flat white painted walls, nutrient mixtures, tds calibrations, ph meters, and whatever else the fuck you have. You are trying to optimize the growing environment for the plant. Even if you have optimized to a 99% efficiency(I would guarantee anyone here is probably not over 80-85% because of what is currently still unknown) then you still have that 1% chance of improving the plant's environment. That is the reason for this post and my OFFER to help both for my own benefit and everyone else's here.
If you don't care to improve your baby's don't worry about this thread and ignore it. For those of you that do I will not conduct most experiments for you as I do not have the time/resources, however what I will do is interpret your results and help you run the experiment with proper procedure so we can determine as much as we can about this beautiful plant.
ps: on a sidenote to bigbad I purchased some reptile lights and will eventually experiments with and without them but my space is limited at this moment to do it all at once. I will post my results and run regressions as well as hypothesis testing with various questions relating to the claim that they can improve resin production in plants. I really found one or two studies I read fascinating so I wish to test the validity myself with a 5% level of significance to know if it really does work.
pss: wafflehouse the theory that has been going around goes something like this:
The sun emits a few classes of Ultraviolet rays
UVA: the bulk of what we get from the sun
UVB: highly toxic to humans and somewhat to plants
UVC: absorbed by ozone layer
UVB rays seem to be more apparent in different parts of the world- it just so happens in these parts of the world is where some of the best marijuana is grown outdoors.
Supposedly marijuana produces more thc as a defense mechanism to deal with the stress of the uvb radiation
that is a basic rundown as my understanding on it is limited
you can google uvb marijuana
or watch