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President Obama’s COLB Was Not Copied,
Fake Copy Made From Johanna Ah’Nee’s BC
*MUST VIEW VIDEO: Birth Certificate An Absolute Fraud! Five Year Investigation Being Turned Over To Congress!
State of the Nation
HUGE Birth Certificate Development—Obama Knowingly Posted a Fake, Forged Copy of a COLB at WhiteHouse.gov
It was only a matter of time that Obama’s fake birth certificate scandal would catch up with him.
The Manchurian Candidate was chosen because of his extremely shady past which was covered up with his very first executive order —the sealing of all of his personal records. No other U.S. president has ever taken such a radical measure to cover up his past.
MO of the Manchurian Candidate Obama
Even the chairman of the political science department at Columbia University has no record or memory of Obama’s attendance or matriculation in the small poly sci program. Many students in the same program have likewise gone public about their complete lack of recognition of Obama during the years of his supposed attendance.
Birth certificate proven to be a fraudulent document
On Thursday, December 15th the Cold Case Posse from the Maricopa County Sheriff Department has authorized the release of an exclusive video which scientifically proves that Obama’s birth certificate (BC) copy is an obvious fake. The investigation was headed by Mike Zullo with the official appointment made by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
BREAKING NEWS: Proof Obama FORGED Birth Certificate! Hawaii LFBC A Fraud! Sheriff Arpaio Says It Was Photoshop Fake!
It’s not even a good forgery; rather, the BC document posted at the official WhiteHouse.gov website by the POTUS is an extremely amateur and low-quality forgery.
This professional opinion has now been rendered by some of the best experts in the field of forensic document analysis. These digital document specialists are in complete agreement that the birth certificate presented by President Obama is 100% fraudulent.
They have even gone on to prove that it was fabricated using another birth certificate which belonged to Hawaiian Johanna Ah’Nee. The following video quite clearly demonstrates how Obama’s forger pieced the fake BC document together layer by layer.
VIDEO: 9-Point Scientific Proof That Obama’s Birth Certificate Is A Fraud
That the crudely forged BC document was so easily deconstructed immediately gave rise to suspicions throughout the entire field of criminal document forensics. Many an expert has stepped forward over the years to render their respective opinions about the bogus BC. Many have remarked that it was a unusually transparent attempt to pass off a fake BC copy as a reproduction of Obama’s original COLB (Certificate of Live Birth), which incidentally has never been made public.
BC criminal activity constitutes a series of felonies
Given the new conclusive evidence, it is now clear that the POTUS has formally filed and posted a fraudulent BC with the explicit intention to deceive the American people. Likewise, the DNC is responsible for the deliberate breakdown in their POTUS vetting process of Barack Obama. The DNC leadership quite purposefully (and criminally) permitted an imposter to run for president, not once but twice.
Barack Obama’s Harvard Law Review Entry
Therefore, there will be many Democrat VIPs who have committed misprision of felony at the minimum and are also guilty of participating in a massive conspiracy to deceive the American people of Barack Obama’s qualifications to run for president.
This ongoing conspiracy and cover-up runs both very deep and very broad within the Democratic Party and Executive Branch. It also involves the leadership of the Republican Congress since many throughout the House and the Senate were handed evidence of the documented crimes, and yet did absolutely nothing about it.
This Maricopa County investigation has been very well publicized for several years now and public servants at different levels of government have been intimately made aware of the criminal activity involved. Not one single government official has moved to call for an appropriate hearing or investigation. This continued negligence alone constitutes misprision of felony, and therefore forms a legal basis for the removal of much of the U.S. Congress.