Schuylaar's Sesh - Your Most Annoying OCD Trait..


Well-Known Member
try this next time you are having dinner with someone: gradually move objects on the table over to their side.

your cell phone, the napkin holder, condiments, menus, whatever works. just move them ever so gradually over towards their side of the table over the course of the meal. make sure to leave yourself all the room in the world on your side of the table as well.

you should notice that person become noticeably uncomfortable and then start moving the objects back to your side without even knowing they are doing it or why they are doing it.

i did this to my wife for a while before letting her in on it, now she does it to her family at meals and we laugh when they move stuff.


Ursus marijanus
try this next time you are having dinner with someone: gradually move objects on the table over to their side.

your cell phone, the napkin holder, condiments, menus, whatever works. just move them ever so gradually over towards their side of the table over the course of the meal. make sure to leave yourself all the room in the world on your side of the table as well.

you should notice that person become noticeably uncomfortable and then start moving the objects back to your side without even knowing they are doing it or why they are doing it.

i did this to my wife for a while before letting her in on it, now she does it to her family at meals and we laugh when they move stuff.
My variant has been to stand by the door of the elevator ... with my back to it.

More than once, just before my floor, I'd take a deep breath and pronounce "You might wonder why I have called this meeting on such short notice, but we have things to discuss that could change the entire future of the corporation" ... bonus points if i appeared to be leaning on the inside of door and then held the pose while it slid open.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Working in Illustrator at 6400% magnification and moving nodes for hours on end that no one would ever faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaking notice, that count? :)

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Locking doors. I'll go down to the laboratory at 2am just to make sure I locked the doors. I did. Then I jiggle the handle several times just to make sure I didn't accidentally unlock it when I checked to make sure that I locked it. It's a violent cycle.
I *only* do the OCD locking door thing at work. And at first, I have to lock, and then jiggle the handle 3 times. The jiggling increases by three's the longer I work someplace. I was up to 9 jiggle tests. And it wasn't just ONCE as I was leaving the place, it was all night, every time I would look at the door, or get antsy. (I was bartending, and it was the closing shift -- so I would jiggle test for hours as I was cleaning up). At home I'm obsessed with locking the front door immediately after letting someone come in -- but I don't test it repeatedly, like I do at work.

I also sort M&M's by color in the palm of my hand, and I make little color coordinated designs, eating each colors together.

I know I'm weird, but it doesn't really hurt anyone.