Schuylaar's Sesh - Florida's Bellwether..

um, seriously? a dried up old white racist and a pyromaniac? that's all you..
Keep trying. What you say doesn't mean a thing. You, my dear, are a racist I know it must hurt for you to come to terms with it. Because you try so hard to be PC. Pyro? really.
They are far more superior than ub and you.

triple homicides due to gross criminal negligence don't just cause themselves.

what kind of a parent of small children smokes in the house and keeps no fire alarms?
Aren't you the one that supposedly hits his wife?

Edit: What are you talking about no fire alarms?
you heard it here first folks..

rachel maddow show reported the special election tomorrow between alex sink(d) and david jolly(r) in florida's 13th district is set to be the "bellwether" for november midterms ACROSS THE COUNTRY in which the south shall rise again against ocare has washington gop already throwing jolly under the bus before the race has run citing "poor campaign tactics and recently divorced 41-year-old dating someone 14 years his junior on the campaign trail" as the reason why he's lost the race..trouble is..the race hasn't run yet..rather than say the country just wants ocare:lol:

soon to be dead: whitey rightie racists:mrgreen:

Here is something for you to be happy about, Skylard. This guy is almost certainly dead:

it must really hurt you to get old and fat.

Wow Winter `responds to you and all she gets is insults from a troll acting 9 years old.
It's not her fault you proved yourself to be
so stupid in this thread. What do you expect when you watch Maddow after all it is
designed for week minded folks. Maybe upgrade to Fox as even the
top liberal studies have shown it to be a balanced show while MSNBC has been shown to
be a joke. Grow up and stop calling people names loser.