School Gives Kids Laptops, Spies on Them Via Webcam


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2010
(NEWSER) – A well-heeled Philadelphia school district gave out laptops to students—then used the webcams attached to covertly spy on them, both at school and at home, according to a class-action lawsuit. The case, Blake J. Robbins v. Lower Merion School District, was filed after one of the school’s vice principals disciplined Robbins’ son for “improper behavior in his home,” using a photo taken from the camera as evidence, according to the filing.
The laptops were issued to 1,800 students at three high schools in the district, each with a built-in webcam that, according to the lawsuit, administrators can activate remotely and covertly. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all the students and their parents. They’re seeking damages for invasion of privacy, theft of private information, and unlawful interception and access of electronic information.
wow...i can understand to a degree, monitoring their computer use at school. but at home? give me a fucking break. if you dont want the kids using the computers for other things at home...then make them leave the computer at school. this is an awful invasion of privacy...were the kids aware that the web cams could be remotely accessed to see them while they're at home? what if a kid has the computer on, sitting on his/her bed, and they change their clothing in the same room? thinking that they're in private when in reality a teacher can see them? is that possible with this scenario?
wow...i can understand to a degree, monitoring their computer use at school. but at home? give me a fucking break. if you dont want the kids using the computers for other things at home...then make them leave the computer at school. this is an awful invasion of privacy...were the kids aware that the web cams could be remotely accessed to see them while they're at home? what if a kid has the computer on, sitting on his/her bed, and they change their clothing in the same room? thinking that they're in private when in reality a teacher can see them? is that possible with this scenario?

yes it would be child porn without consent
the school’s vice principals disciplined Robbins’ son for “improper behavior in his home,” using a photo taken from the camera as evidence
heheh there you go, Maybe he smoked a bong at the PC... :P
this is on ATS right now too. i happened to find an article about this that has the school boards email, as well as the board of directors and the superintendent. i wrote a letter to the superintendent but im going to see if someone over there could review it for me first in case i left anything out. if anyone here wants to see it just let me know. you'd all be welcome to send a copy/paste of my letter yourselves...just to flood their inbox :D
that is some fucked up shit.What did they catch him doing?If it was beating his dick that teacher is doing some time.I hope all these people make allot of money from this.
On another note what school district was it that gave out fucking laptops with webcams?

So im on ATS right now...theres a thread there about this exact incident. someone has come onto ATS saying that they're brother goes to the school in question and that the kid was photographed doing none other...THAN SMOKING POT!

heres the quote from the ATS member:

"My brother goes to the school mentioned in the above article, Harriton High School. I'd like to summarize what happened since there's a lot of rumors floating about on other sites, not sure about this one. The kid in question, named Blake, partook in an “illegal” action. Not that I care, since the activation of the camera is a complete violation of rights. He was smoking pot and the reason they claim they activated the camera is because they had suspicion he was dealing drugs. Which is a stupid excuse, considering he isn’t a drug dealer, and also that gives them no right. Besides, it’s pot. Not a big deal. But anyway they took a snapshot of him blazing and used it to interrogate him or what have you. I’ve borrowed my brother’s laptop as well a few times and noticed the camera would randomly turn on. As in the green light would turn on, on the apple laptop. I didn’t think much of it since I knew no one would be sick enough to spy on underage kids. However, I was obviously wrong. This camera has also turned on when my brother has been undressing to take a shower, since the laptop is open when he listens to music, when showering. Federal money payed for the laptops (go figure). This same high school charges at least $20 just to get a parking pass"

and heres the link to the thread there...

This is fucking ridiculous. just insane. I hope whoever decided to install this on students computers is absolutely punished to the full extent of the law.
You know of coarse your cellphone and its camera can be switched on remotely like a bug too, without your knowledge and without any sign of being active?
wow...i can understand to a degree, monitoring their computer use at school. but at home? give me a fucking break. if you dont want the kids using the computers for other things at home...then make them leave the computer at school. this is an awful invasion of privacy...were the kids aware that the web cams could be remotely accessed to see them while they're at home? what if a kid has the computer on, sitting on his/her bed, and they change their clothing in the same room? thinking that they're in private when in reality a teacher can see them? is that possible with this scenario?

actually i watched this on the news also and yes they can activate the web cam at any time so.. say that every night at 9:00 you take a shower and undress in your room ( in the instance the student has the lap top open and on) they can tap into the camera and watch everthing.... VERY SCARY!!!!!!!!!! who knows if anyone was watching but that is the worst thing ever! you think you are alone in your own privacy.. BUT YOUR NOT!!!! This is BULLSHIT to the highest level and SOMETHING has to be done before this becomes a bigger problem.. and soon we have no rights..

On a lil of subject there is a new law coming to oklahoma and i am almost positive that all the crooked bastards will vote for.. BIG BROTHER.. they are wanting to put in cameras all over the streets to " find unisured motorists" ya right you think that this is the only thing they will be using them for? Uhhh no.. you wont b able to spark one up in your car without them watching your everymove!!!! Where are our civil rights going????:cuss:
You know of coarse your cellphone and its camera can be switched on remotely like a bug too, without your knowledge and without any sign of being active?

yes i was going to a counseling class and they would have us turn off our phones.. the bluetooth can be activated like a microphone:!:
Thats fucked up, i know these fucked ppl have lost they're mind, but damn, thats quite the nerve! But they have no nerve. I didnt know cell phones could be remotely activated, thanks for the major heads up. How much longer we gonna take it? what do you represent, how do you show it?
This situation is only the stepping stones of what this nation in going to be one day.
Technology is increasing at a alarming rate, and I have no doubt in my mind that one day everything in the world.. Is going to be recorded.
Minors are more than in-titled to there rights, just like everyone else.
You know of coarse your cellphone and its camera can be switched on remotely like a bug too, without your knowledge and without any sign of being active?
sure. thats why the camera is always covered unless im actually talking on the phone, in which case i plant my finger right over it :D fuck the government!!! hahaha
the thing i find interesting about this case is the response from the school. they're saying the only time that the cameras are accessed is if the computer in question has been lost, or stolen. but at the same time, they've never mentioned this kid having been in possession of a lost or stolen computer. they've said that the cameras are NOT used to discipline students and that the assistant principal is being put in a bad light. well, if the cameras are not supposed to be used to discipline students, then WHY was a camera used to discipline this student?! are they implying that this student stole the computer without actually coming out and saying it? or are they saying that this student is lying about it all and there was no picture taken at all? the school story just plain and simple, doesnt add up.
the thing i find interesting about this case is the response from the school. they're saying the only time that the cameras are accessed is if the computer in question has been lost, or stolen. but at the same time, they've never mentioned this kid having been in possession of a lost or stolen computer. they've said that the cameras are NOT used to discipline students and that the assistant principal is being put in a bad light. well, if the cameras are not supposed to be used to discipline students, then WHY was a camera used to discipline this student?! are they implying that this student stole the computer without actually coming out and saying it? or are they saying that this student is lying about it all and there was no picture taken at all? the school story just plain and simple, doesnt add up.
There fucked and they know it.They just keep coming with more bullshit.This kids gonna end up filthy rich from this.Its good to see they followed through legaly,If my son tolled me that shit I would of killed that fucking principal.