School Bans American Flag on Cinco de Mayo

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Now let us review why people like the taste and texture of meat: Because it's in our nature. We don't enjoy the taste and texture for sadistic purposes.
A rabbit will eat only McDonalds food and die of clogged arteries within months and will choose to eat that food which kills it. I'm smarter than a stupid animal who only eats for pleasure. If it weren't for all the bad things sugar does to you, I'd eat that all the time too.

It's also in our nature to be bigoted against gays and racist too. It's a survival instinct which came about over millions of years of evolution to despise and hate those who are different. So why do you consider people doing their nature thing as so bad when it's bigots and racists?

But unlike those like you, I don't go around chastising them for that behavior. It's only online, because it's very funny seeing liberals become hypocrites against the same they're also guilty of. A person will eventually learn, or they won't. Like how I learned eating animals is wrong and cruel. Either one day you'll learn, or you won't. Making laws banning meat won't change their mind, and will actually in the end make things a lot worse.

I can only stop me, it's foolish to force your ways on others, you can only do like me and try to convince or poke fun at them, which I do to people like you.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure if they are bred for brooding, but they do it well. i do know they were bred to be more docile and friendly. they are not much for meat though.

i just looked a little and confirmed my suspicion that these birds are at least exploited for their brooding, if not actually bred for it.
My orphingtons average about an egg a day. They are also cool (No pun intended.) with temps around freezing in the roost box. The only downside I've noticed with them is potential for agression with new birds.


Well-Known Member
A rabbit will eat only McDonalds food and die of clogged arteries within months and will choose to eat that food which kills it. I'm smarter than a stupid animal who only eats for pleasure. If it weren't for all the bad things sugar does to you, I'd eat that all the time too.

It's also in our nature to be bigoted against gays and racist too. It's a survival instinct which came about over millions of years of evolution to despise and hate those who are different. So why do you consider people doing their nature thing as so bad when it's bigots and racists?

But unlike those like you, I don't go around chastising them for that behavior. It's only online, because it's very funny seeing liberals become hypocrites against the same they're also guilty of. A person will eventually learn, or they won't. Like how I learned eating animals is wrong and cruel. Either one day you'll learn, or you won't. Making laws banning meat won't change their mind, and will actually in the end make things a lot worse.

I can only stop me, it's foolish to force your ways on others, you can only do like me and try to convince or poke fun at them, which I do to people like you.
Chickens aren't people. The day they create a written language or organize something more advanced than a pecking order; I would give your argument more weight.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Chickens aren't people. The day they create a written language or organize something more advanced than a pecking order; I would give your argument more weight.
Black people were once considered 3/5ths a person. I have slight hope people will one day realize their cruel actions upon the billions they genocide for their nature.

I don't know if you know, but I used to be the biggest meat eater until about ten years ago. My favorite meal was the meat lover's pizza from Pizza Hut. I have memories of taking my wife, then girlfriend there to watch the ball game, she wasn't too happy with my murdering ways. I just hope all those thousands of animals I ate out of my own selfish savory food lust are forgotten. Just like my foolish ways during high school.


Well-Known Member
Black people were once considered 3/5ths a person. I have slight hope people will one day realize their cruel actions upon the billions they genocide for their nature.

I don't know if you know, but I used to be the biggest meat eater until about ten years ago. My favorite meal was the meat lover's pizza from Pizza Hut. I have memories of taking my wife, then girlfriend there to watch the ball game, she wasn't too happy with my murdering ways. I just hope all those thousands of animals I ate out of my own selfish savory food lust are forgotten. Just like my foolish ways during high school.
Africans also built civilizations. Note that chickens did not. Your plea to emotion on the 3/5 grounds is invalid. I also feel I shouldn't have to mention that Africans are also humans. You may dislike how it works, but humans eat animals and animals also eat humans. You may have reasonable arguments on other fronts, but the fact is that humans are omnivorous animals that do in fact eat meat by nature; this is irrefutable.


Well-Known Member
Black people were once considered 3/5ths a person. I have slight hope people will one day realize their cruel actions upon the billions they genocide for their nature.

I don't know if you know, but I used to be the biggest meat eater until about ten years ago. My favorite meal was the meat lover's pizza from Pizza Hut. I have memories of taking my wife, then girlfriend there to watch the ball game, she wasn't too happy with my murdering ways. I just hope all those thousands of animals I ate out of my own selfish savory food lust are forgotten. Just like my foolish ways during high school.
*sigh*... The old canard about black people being worth 3/5th's a person is a flat out lie.

In the constitution, representation was based on 3/5 of a slave vs 1 free person. There was no color involved. It was a tool used to FORCE the freedom of slaves as a freed slave would count more towards the states share of federal recognition.

There are plenty of atrocities you can point to in American history, slavery being one of them but the 3/5ths thing bugs the shit out of me because it is 180 degrees from the truth.


Well-Known Member
*sigh*... The old canard about black people being worth 3/5th's a person is a flat out lie.

In the constitution, representation was based on 3/5 of a slave vs 1 free person. There was no color involved. It was a tool used to FORCE the freedom of slaves as a freed slave would count more towards the states share of federal recognition.

There are plenty of atrocities you can point to in American history, slavery being one of them but the 3/5ths thing bugs the shit out of me because it is 180 degrees from the truth.
Going full apologist this evening, are we? The 3/5 compromise was actually intended to increase southern representation in the government.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Africans also built civilizations. Note that chickens did not. Your plea to emotion on the 3/5 grounds is invalid. I also feel I shouldn't have to mention that Africans are also humans. You may dislike how it works, but humans eat animals and animals also eat humans. You may have reasonable arguments on other fronts, but the fact is that humans are omnivorous animals that do in fact eat meat by nature; this is irrefutable.
Where do you get humans are omnivores by nature and not by convenience? All other apes who are like us are herbivores.


Well-Known Member
Going full apologist this evening, are we? The 3/5 compromise was actually intended to increase southern representation in the government.
How does counting every slave as 3/5ths of a vote for representation increase representation??

The more free people in a state, the more representation... It is pretty simple math actually...

And why would I apologize for a bunch of dead men that were Democrats anyway? You do realize that the Democrats are the ones that were for slavery, against affirmative action, etc. You should read more history.


Well-Known Member
How does counting every slave as 3/5ths of a vote for representation increase representation??

The more free people in a state, the more representation... It is pretty simple math actually...

And why would I apologize for a bunch of dead men that were Democrats anyway? You do realize that the Democrats are the ones that were for slavery, against affirmative action, etc. You should read more history.
3/5 of a slave is more than counting none of a slave; which was the previous norm. Did I mention democrats anywhere? You seem desperate and like you slept through your US history class in high school.


Well-Known Member
3/5 of a slave is more than counting none of a slave; which was the previous norm. Did I mention democrats anywhere? You seem desperate and like you slept through your US history class in high school.
Would you like to explain to the class why they didnt count a slave the same as a free person for representation in the federal government???

And you do understand, it wasnt to vote like you and others have erroneously said, it was to be counted in terms of representation.

Your lack of knowledge really lessens the punch of the attempted high school insult.


Well-Known Member
How does counting every slave as 3/5ths of a vote for representation increase representation??

The more free people in a state, the more representation... It is pretty simple math actually...

And why would I apologize for a bunch of dead men that were Democrats anyway? You do realize that the Democrats are the ones that were for slavery, against affirmative action, etc. You should read more history.
An apologist does not apologize, it's a person who justifies something controversial. Thanks for demonstrating your grasp of the english language for everyone.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Please clarify the other apes "like us" and I will be happy to attempt a response.
Chimpanzee and gorilla. Both are obligate herbivores and only eat meat ceremonially for either entertainment or to seduce a mate. A chimp will on occasion eat insects like a termite, but the amount is so small, and done very rarely, you wouldn't call a similar human a meat eater who did such.


Well-Known Member
Would you like to explain to the class why they didnt count a slave the same as a free person for representation in the federal government???

And you do understand, it wasnt to vote like you and others have erroneously said, it was to be counted in terms of representation.

Your lack of knowledge really lessens the punch of the attempted high school insult.
Because to acknowledge a slave as equal to a free man would have given power to the argument of them being free men. Is this really that complicated for you? It was representation without taxation. Since slaves were a significant part of the southern population, it was viewed as an advantage to count slaves.


Well-Known Member
Chimpanzee and gorilla. Both are obligate herbivores and only eat meat ceremonially for either entertainment or to seduce a mate. A chimp will on occasion eat insects like a termite, but the amount is so small, and done very rarely, you wouldn't call a similar human a meat eater who did such.
Well, when we were all bacteria we ate....

Who fucking cares? It is a pointless comparison between 2 branches of species that have evolved apart from each other.


Well-Known Member
Chimpanzee and gorilla. Both are obligate herbivores and only eat meat ceremonially for either entertainment or to seduce a mate. A chimp will on occasion eat insects like a termite, but the amount is so small, and done very rarely, you wouldn't call a similar human a meat eater who did such.
I'd now ask you to explain why African bushmen chase down deer instead of farming lettuce like they apparently should.


Well-Known Member
Because to acknowledge a slave as equal to a free man would have given power to the argument of them being free men. Is this really that complicated for you? It was representation without taxation. Since slaves were a significant part of the southern population, it was viewed as an advantage to count slaves.
The northern republicans were against slavery and the southern democrat plantation owners were for it. Do you see the carrot and stick in the legislation or are you too obtuse? More free people = more representation. Less free people = less representation.

I am done here, I have learned over the years that you cannot teach an idiot if he does not choose to learn.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'd now ask you to explain why African bushmen chase down deer instead of farming lettuce like they apparently should.
Nice try. The Kalahari bushmen are mostly vegetarians with the occasional tuber. Mostly they eat roots, grains, nuts, fruits, etc. Over 80% of their diet is from plants, very rarely do they eat meat.