Schematics + costs please check

Okay so I read subcools thread and I want to make his soil check my costs to make sure they're all right and make sure i'm using enough soil and space for what i want.

Please if i can reduce costs, or amount of space(reduces costs) tell me.

I'm looking at right over 4 plants/ sq. ft. @ 15 plants

Gonna dig a hole 4ft wide 3 ft long and 2 ft deep. Sounds good?

That's 24 cu. ft

All the math is done on the fact that his comp is by the 8 bags of 1.5 cu, so im gonna be using 16 bags

Soil: $235 (Root Organic 1.5 Cu. bags @ 15/a bag) Are there cheaper larger size they sell?
worm casting 60 LB: $26
15 LB blood meal 12-0-0: $24
15 lb bat guano -5-0: 24
15 lb fish bone meal: 20
Epsom Salt: 3.49
Azomite: $5
Humic Acid: $9

~$100 for my green house
~$100 for 15 seeds

Lookin @ $515 total cost...

That does seem a bit excessive to me, how do you guys feel about those numbers? Can I reduce cost anywhere, even making reducing the footage just a little bit could reduce the costs... Or do you think I'm lookin at to small a space I really need help on that part.


Active Member
I'm no expert myself but, main problem I see is the space: 4 plants per. sq. ft. ?! seems a bit much. I'd say 1 plant per ATLEAST 2.5 sq. ft. is more like it.. If you're limited to that space you may want to cut down the number of plants.


Active Member
Plants will be too close together. I think 15 lbs of all that is more than you need. Maybe like 7 lbs of each....if that. You can get better soil than that for less money. Do some more research.


Active Member
disagrees with uga, subcool soil is great!, well worth the money and roots has the best soil out there, FF = shity buggie, pine bark, if i want that i'd go dig up soil in the back yard


Well-Known Member
Wheres the rock phosphate? High P guano? Kelp meal? Greensand? Dolomite? And 4 plants per sq ft? Good luck with that.......


Active Member
rock phosphate has been banned in the usa so... can't do that have u seen the updated subsoil list? but your right he is missing some stuff
If I had a 3 x 3 foot whole for each plant that would be 45 feet by 45 feet by 2 feet the amount of soil for that would be absolutely astronomical in terms of price. That's 4050 Cu. Ft.... I have a feeling you guys don't buy 2750 bags of 1.5 cu. feet soil. To buy that much would cost $41250...

Someone please explain to me something that I'm missing with the whole 3 feet away thing and the whole soil thing, clearly I'm missing a basic concept of growing.


Well-Known Member
If I had a 3 x 3 foot whole for each plant that would be 45 feet by 45 feet by 2 feet the amount of soil for that would be absolutely astronomical in terms of price. That's 4050 Cu. Ft.... I have a feeling you guys don't buy 2750 bags of 1.5 cu. feet soil. To buy that much would cost $41250...

Someone please explain to me something that I'm missing with the whole 3 feet away thing and the whole soil thing, clearly I'm missing a basic concept of growing.

you dont need a 3x3 hole for each plant. if you space each hole 3ft apart like tomatoes and use about 1 - 1/2 cubic ft. per hole you will be golden. the thing you need to keep in mind is when your plants are putting on bud weight they will be subject to mold and the more space between the plants the better. also you could amend the soil thats existing and get results just as good for a fraction of the cost.
you dont need a 3x3 hole for each plant. if you space each hole 3ft apart like tomatoes and use about 1 - 1/2 cubic ft. per hole you will be golden. the thing you need to keep in mind is when your plants are putting on bud weight they will be subject to mold and the more space between the plants the better. also you could amend the soil thats existing and get results just as good for a fraction of the cost.

That seriously just made my life so much easier lol, and you're right that is much easier! I really didn't understand, thanks for telling me that really helps me out a lot.


Well-Known Member
I see one relevant post with good info in this post.
FarmerJoe420 good advice for sure. All I can add is you dont need the hole more than 18 inches deep and I gaurantee the roots will grow through the existing soil. Good Luck take a look at my soil mix it is a cheaper version that Sub's but it has given proven results. Good Luck dirrtyd