Scarlette's First Grow


New Member
Cool pics Sky.
They are looking delish.:blsmoke:
It's the middle of the 8th week guys and they are smelling so so very good. Good thing I have all this other weed to keep me occupied till I can properly harvest the cure lolz.

A cop showed up at my house last night at around 4 in the morning. Apparently there was a murder on the next street from mine. So now my block is crawling with the fuzz. I wonder if they can smell me from here.......

Anywho! The first 8 are luna and the 9th of course is both and the last 7 are alice.



Well-Known Member
Monday marks the 9th week of flowering and I still see no amber trichs. So last night I gave them a cocktail consisting of 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, humus humic acid, and some oregonism beneficial mycorrizae (sp?) fungusy stuff. I can't wait till sunrise to look and see how they are. I figure if I just do some half strength nutes then I can better keep up with the growth and trichs from week to week if in fact this grow does prolong out to 12 weeks of flowering. Humidity is always below 45% and temps are always around 20-10 deg. celcius. Their smell is heavenly. I was tending the garden the other night and I found an odd looking bug. I am uploading some pics, does anyone know what it is?

Also, the last picture is what "cat fishing" is in my house. The bait? A sock filled with cat nip tied up with and to a long piece of yarn....good for casting is further areas ^_^




Well-Known Member
:clap:hey there....looking budtastic! excellent work....and the pics are most appreciated! I'll go change my shorts now.....:clap:


Well-Known Member
Well, then I am flattered. ^_^ That bug in my room was a carpet beetle btw. I read somewhere that outside they live of vegitation and on the inside of a home are SUPPOSE to eat synthetic fibers and such. I think I would rather have him be munching on my carpet and not my weed.

Anywho, I will probably post some bud shots today, much later, I have to go to a funeral tonight. My grandfather passed this past good friday. It wasn't really a good friday. My grandmother has been with him since she was 16, he was always there through her childhood, her rock, her loved one. He had everything in the world wrong with him though. Diabetes, COPD, Lymphoma(type of cancer), cateracts, kidney failure, not to mention his mental problems. He'd been in the hospital since thanksgiving of last year. He only got worse after xmas when he took a nasty fall the same day he was suppose to be coming home.


Well-Known Member
The fall is what "did him in" so to speak. He was withought oxygen for half an hour which of course affected his mind and body. Ultimately, he had to be sustained by like 7 different machines just to keep him alive. A breathing machine, feeding machine, everything to monitor his heart, etc etc. It only got worse too, the insurance couldn't keep him a close hospital for long term care, there simply wasn't any place with the facilities in my we had to let him die or send him to Chattanooga for long term care. The problem with having a sick loved one so far away for care is that you cannot keep your eyes on the nurses and health professionals to "take care" of them. It wasn't a month and a half until he was dead. Numerous times my family went to see him, religiously, every weekend (that is the only time we can get away from work) and every weekend he was looking worse. Always finding him crusted in his own feces, running a fever, having oily messy hair, the doctors didn't test his eyes for cataracts


Well-Known Member
before they decided to put eye drops in his eyes. This in turn made his cataracts slip into the side of his eye. It was so sad the way they didn't take care of him, and we were very limited to help him b/c honestly we're not well off at all. Anyway, my sister who is almost 18 tends to believe it was just him time. I beg to differ, he was getting better when we first moved him to chattanooga, then he got a really really bad infection and on March 8th they had started him on an anitbiotic and March 8th was the last day he ever got it. He layed in misery for a week and 6 days with infection festering within him, that was ultimately his demise.

Now personally, I don't know how to feel about his death but, I am so fucking angry with the hospital. Who forgets to give a sick old man their fucking antibiotic!!!! Is it really that hard to remember people!!!! If your job is to take care of the sick, then do your job, and don't forget and just let them die. Fucking ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I think writing all this is helping let it out you know? So I am going to continue.

Above I mentioned how I didn't know how to feel about his death. I say this only because....he wasn't "father of the year" or anything. He did so many awful, mean, crazy, violent, destructive things to me and my family. The main reason there is no pain felt in my chest cavity when I think of his death is because he took my sister's life away. How he did this was vile and disgusting, but somehow it has happend to 80% of everyone I know. He molested both of my sisters. My older sister before I was even thought of, but it started at 9 for my little sister and apparently didn't end until she was 16. Actually the only reason it ended was because she told me, and I told our mother who moved us away in 3 days. That's good timing for finding a place and moving in it. All the legas stuff had been gone through, but my sister had to lie in order for my grandmother to keep her house.


Well-Known Member
scarlette i am sorry to hear this. i used to take care of elderly people at times and did my best to make sure they were clean and happy. 90% of my coworkers wouldnt change people because they were too fuckin lazy or watching t.v., i couldnt live with myself of letting someone suffer like that so i did almost all the work. again i am sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather. these assisted living places are full of selfish horrible workers.


Well-Known Member
If he had gone to jail the court would have seized my grandmother's home for prison fee's and she would have been out on her ass. She has been living in the same home for gosh 40 years? To be honest we are really not well off, it would have crippling.
So, in some aspects his death isn't so bad. My sister told me that what she went through would never be over for her until he died. Now that it has happend I feel maybe she might value herself. He took away her self-esteem and the good things she felt as a child. He stole her childhood. At 9 when someone threatens you to not tell anyone because then you would be in trouble, really fucks with the mind of a child. My sister belives to this day that she is worthless, ugly, stupid, etc etc. It's all because of him. You know what she is gorgeous. Big brown doe eyes, long black hair, and she always smells of sweet pea and violet. There is nothing ugly about her..except for her personality at times. I think that is just because the teenager in her hasn't worn off yet.


Well-Known Member
scarlette i am sorry to hear this. i used to take care of elderly people at times and did my best to make sure they were clean and happy. 90% of my coworkers wouldnt change people because they were too fuckin lazy or watching t.v., i couldnt live with myself of letting someone suffer like that so i did almost all the work. again i am sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather. these assisted living places are full of selfish horrible workers.
You're telling me. On one visitation I remember my mother checked his temps (she is a nurse too) and she thought it was high. She asked the nurse working with him to check it with a thermometer. The nurse was like "I just did it earlier today" and mom was like, "well, could you check it again, I think he has a fever." and the nurse was like, "no, I just checked it and if you have a problem you can take it up with the head nurse." and that is exactly what my mother did and the head nurse took his fucking temperature no questions asked.


Well-Known Member
On my top ten list of things he had done to hurt our family. He tried to choke me to death 2 years ago on Halloween because he said love was bullshit and it wasn't anything and he had already gone through that love crap. I bascially told him that if that is how he feels I am just not going to listen or agree with him anymore, and with that came fists and hands bound tightly around my neck. He didn't go to jail that night either, really for all that he did he got away with murder.

He treated my mom like crap, made his wife go to walmart at hellacious hours of the night to fetch him a melon! He and my grandmother hadn't even been married a year when she started cheating on her. The first few times when she asked about it he said nothing, after that he just started to hit her when she asked. She made herself learn how to drive a stick shift car so that she could spy on him. Isn't that sad?

I don't feel love for him anymore, I didn't cry when they told me he died. Strangely, I was angry and relieved.


Well-Known Member
The people who my heart aches mostly for is my grandmother, and my mom. They feel as if he shouldn't have had to suffer. But in my opinion, I think God gave him his just deserts in his final days. I think he deserved a little bit of suffering after everything he has done with no reprimand at all. Karma.

If you are religious and you have read all of this then perhaps, you could pray for them or meditate for them. I don't care, I just wish they weren't so sad. But I know that it is inevitable.

wow, I have wanting to get all of that off my chest for....ever I guess.


New Member
The people who my heart aches mostly for is my grandmother, and my mom. They feel as if he shouldn't have had to suffer. But in my opinion, I think God gave him his just deserts in his final days. I think he deserved a little bit of suffering after everything he has done with no reprimand at all. Karma.

If you are religious and you have read all of this then perhaps, you could pray for them or meditate for them. I don't care, I just wish they weren't so sad. But I know that it is inevitable.

wow, I have wanting to get all of that off my chest for....ever I guess. doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
[SIZE=+1]With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.:peace:[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
[SIZE=+1]With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.:peace:[/SIZE]
I am happy, I am just thinking about my mum and grandmother. They feel as if it isn't so beautiful of a world. What are the steps of loss again? Denial is one right? Anger? I wonder which step they are at.....