Scariest Moment Of My Life

I don't know if this is the best forum to post this in, but I can't think of a better one lol...

So this was about 8-9 months ago one night at 3 or 4 AM we smoked some bud and we decided to go to McDonalds in a shopping center about 3 miles away, but we thought it was a good idea that we walked. On the way there there wasn't any problems, we went to McDonalds got some food and started to walk home. This is where things start to get freaky.

On the way home, when we were close back to my friends house, we noticed a car that looked like one we had seen several times and we started to get paranoid.Once we had seen it three times we knew something was up. Then it did a sharp U turn about 15 feet behind us so we book it into the woods and it pulls up right to the woods.

We hear two doors open and people come out so we sprint back to his house. They run back to their car and it's really hard to explain without seeing the place but we ran into his front yard and hid behind some bushes and the car slowly rolled past his yard I guess because he thought we had gone past there.

I don't think anybody who would follow two guys at 4 AM into the woods wants to have a nice talk so this is definitely the scariest event of my life. If y'all wanna share yours then go ahead!

One time as a teenager my buddy and I smoked a fatty and went for a walk at 2 am. We lived 30 miles from town.

These two dudes rolled up in a 86 cutless supreme. Long hair hippy looking.

I said what's up. Next thing we are riding down the rd drinking and smoking.

At daylight they dropped us off where they picked us up. Those dudes were cool. Never seen them again.
I don't know if this is the best forum to post this in, but I can't think of a better one lol...

So this was about 8-9 months ago one night at 3 or 4 AM we smoked some bud and we decided to go to McDonalds in a shopping center about 3 miles away, but we thought it was a good idea that we walked. On the way there there wasn't any problems, we went to McDonalds got some food and started to walk home. This is where things start to get freaky.

On the way home, when we were close back to my friends house, we noticed a car that looked like one we had seen several times and we started to get paranoid.Once we had seen it three times we knew something was up. Then it did a sharp U turn about 15 feet behind us so we book it into the woods and it pulls up right to the woods.

We hear two doors open and people come out so we sprint back to his house. They run back to their car and it's really hard to explain without seeing the place but we ran into his front yard and hid behind some bushes and the car slowly rolled past his yard I guess because he thought we had gone past there.

I don't think anybody who would follow two guys at 4 AM into the woods wants to have a nice talk so this is definitely the scariest event of my life. If y'all wanna share yours then go ahead!

you were correct in one who is up to any good is out on the roads that late at night unless you are in a major city.

most horrible crimes occur after the 3am..specifically 3-6am is when all hell breaks loose (my ex is a cop).

your avatar says you are 22..young men disappear all the time..this is how it happens.

don't ever do that again unless you have a weapon of some sort with you.

it must have affected you terribly to have taken this long to discuss in an anonymous forum.

you don't know the bullet you and your friend dodged.

when you have your own not let them out of your sight..remember your experience.

this world is filled with very sick people.

what i'm saying is legit..i'm old enough to be your mom; i've got some stories of my own that even i can't please take my advice.
this world is filled with very sick people.

Leave kumar be, you're going to scare him. I tried to pick him up on the side of the road about 8-9 months ago because I wanted a young hard one but he and Harold ran into the woods.

I'm hoping to find him again and teach him true submission and blood play in my lair but you're going to scare him off with that shit you said.

I'll make it so I can use his bunghole as a megaphone!
good idea!..i think i'll go get myself one, too.

i carry a hammer in my car..easily wielded right under my seat for when i'm in miami at night alone.

My wife closes a place and handles thousands of dollars. She gets off at midnight. A boy walked her to her car and said he would protect her. She showed him the pepper spray, a Razer sharp knife and snub nose .38

She said I got it handled.
When I was like 11 or 12 I went to go visit a friend of mine for the weekend, he lived in the next town over and it was about an hour drive.

Dad dropped me off and my friends dad was supposed to take me back. Well sunday rolls around and I find out that some guy my friends dad knows is gonna be dropping me off because he's passing through the town where I live.

Dude looks sketchy as fuck and I've never even met him before so I'm already a little on edge, then we start our drive and he's drinking beer while driving.

About 30 min or so into the drive he pulls off onto an old dirt service road and keeps going for 10 minutes or so, we are out in the middle of nowhere, too far from the highway to be seen.

Then he stops the car and pulls out a gun from under his seat and says "get out", he then gets out but I'm just sitting there thinking I'm going to get raped or killed or both. He then fires off a couple rounds at a beer can he threw out into the road and looks into the cab and tells me again to get out.

So I get out and there's no place to run to, just open desert. I'm trying to think of what to do and I hear him say "You want to try to shoot the can? I don't get to shoot too often so I thought I'd fire a few rounds off before we go the rest of the way."

I shot the gun a few times, then he shot it a few more then we drove the rest of the way and dropped me off at my grandma's house.
you were correct in one who is up to any good is out on the roads that late at night unless you are in a major city.

most horrible crimes occur after the 3am..specifically 3-6am is when all hell breaks loose (my ex is a cop).

your avatar says you are 22..young men disappear all the time..this is how it happens.

don't ever do that again unless you have a weapon of some sort with you.

it must have affected you terribly to have taken this long to discuss in an anonymous forum.

you don't know the bullet you and your friend dodged.

when you have your own not let them out of your sight..remember your experience.

this world is filled with very sick people.

what i'm saying is legit..i'm old enough to be your mom; i've got some stories of my own that even i can't please take my advice.
I was driving back from visiting a mate a few years ago, and there was a woman walking along the road (a main road, but quiet) so I stopped to offer a lift.
Turns out she was 15, had had some silly argument about nothing with her friends, so set off to walk home. At 11:00. About 8 miles.
As I drove her home i tried to explain to her without scaring her TOO much, how dangerous what she had done was. she didn't get it. She asked if I did that route often and if she could have my number in case she was in the same position again.
I said I would pick her up again if I happened to see her, but i couldn't give her my number in case it was in her phone and she was found in a ditch. Or worse. Still not scared.
I drove about 12 miles out of my way to make sure she got home that night. Glad I did.

Man I'm glad I had stupid boys and not stupid daughters...
Scariest moment of my life hmmmmmm , its gotta be when i got this hot girl blasted on liquor & ludes when i was a kid , started pulling her pants down & she shit her pants !

I pulled them bad boys back up & got the hell outta there , i think i hid in a bush or two as well , absolute true story about lil miss poopy pants , god i miss the 70's .
The first time I got checked for anal herpes I was pretty scared, but not as much as the first couple of times I got checked for other VDs. The cotton on a metal stick up the urethra was much scarier AFTER it went in. After my test came back positive I would just go back for testing to scare them.
Scariest moment of my life hmmmmmm , its gotta be when i got this hot girl blasted on liquor & ludes when i was a kid , started pulling her pants down & she shit her pants !

I pulled them bad boys back up & got the hell outta there , i think i hid in a bush or two as well , absolute true story about lil miss poopy pants , god i miss the 70's .

The first time I got checked for anal herpes I was pretty scared, but not as much as the first couple of times I got checked for other VDs. The cotton on a metal stick up the urethra was much scarier AFTER it went in. After my test came back positive I would just go back for testing to scare them.

Dude ! That cotton swab on a sword aint no joke , fukin doctor stretches your shit out till its gonna snap then BLAMO !!! In goes the swab & out come the tears .

I felt like a rape victim before he was done with me , wait till you get old & have prostate problems , theres alot more midevil shit doctors are dying to shove up your dick hole once your an old fart & it all hurts .

The scope up the ass is hands down the worst .
i got scared ( out of my body ) in a lucid dream when a 8' werewolf fronted me......that was scary

and i got scared when i walked into my front room from the bathroom and my tv, sofa, fireplace fucking everthing had gone!!!! Wtf i said i was petrified!!
how could this happen there was nothing left......... Turned out i was in the wrong room lol.....duh!!
Last summer i was outside by myself at night I lived in southern colorado about 6 miles from the edge of the nearest town and a quarter to a half mile from the nearest neighbor and I felt like I was being stalked by an animal it was the weirdest eeriest feeling. I went inside right away grabbed my 9mm smith and wesson and popped off a few shots to hopefully scare it away.