Scarhole's root pruning sex reversal method for fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
SCARHOLE's method for reversing your females for fem seeds via root pruning.

Found out how escobar an Dr Greenthumbs do their root sex reversing for fem works.

Searched for this information for yrs an just found gold.

It's not really mine, lol.
I haven't even tried it (yet)
But I am taking credit for being the first to share how this is done on all the grow forum s.
I share the wealth an stay in health!
Fuckn breeders an their secrets?

I may switch to root pruning from sts.
If I can get it to work.

When the shoots of young hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) plants were cut off the roots, cultured as cuttings, and regenerating (adventitious) roots were removed as soon as appearing, ca. 80-90% of the plants became male (had staminate flowers) whereas if the roots were allowed to develop a similar percentage became female (pistillate flowers). Treatment of de-rooted cuttings with 6-benzylaminopurine (15 mg/l) restored the percent of female plants to ca. 80. It is suggested that the root system plays an essential role in sex expression in hemp and that this role is related to cytokinin synthesis in the root.

The author first developed this with spinach...

7-d-old plantlets of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) were immersed with their roots for 24 h in 25 mg/l gibberellic acid (GA3), or 15 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP), or 15 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), or 10 mg/l abscisic acid (ABA) and subsequently grown on long (18-h) days, the ratio of plants with male and female flowers, which in the controls was almost 1:1 (48 and 52%, respectively), was greatly altered. The treatments with 6-BAP, IAA and ABA raised the percentage of female plants to 88, 76 and 71%, respectively; the GA3 treatment increased the percent of male plants to 79%. When young, vegetative spinach plants (3 visible leaves) grown in 18-h days were cut a the root neck, and the shoots grown with their bases in nutrient solution, with adventitious roots either being allowed to develop or being systematically removed, 85% of the plants without roots became males, 85% of those with roots became females. But if the cut shoots were first, for 28 h, placed in a 15-mg/l 6-BAP solution and then grown in the absence of roots, the percent of female plants was restored to 84. These results fully agree with those obtained previously with hemp, namely, that plant growth regulators exert a regulating effect on the sex expression of dioecious plants when applied through the roots in early stages of development; that the root system plays an important role in determining the sex of these plants, that this role of the roots is associated with the synthesis of cytokinins in them. Dioecious short- and long-day plants do not differ in these respects.

As a get more information I'll update you....
Plants sex expression is determined by hormones.
We can alter them with chems. And environment.
Seems root cytokinin levels have alot to do with sex.
85% males from pruning regs.
Escobar an DrGreenthumb make fems from some root pruning method. So i got to test this information.
Hope this works lol.

I'm going to start with fem seed, then fuck with the roots early on and see if you can make it or baby clones male from root cytokinin levels.
And see it will make fem seed if I succeed?
Be interesting to see what you find, any idea what strains you are going to try this on? just curious because obviously some will have a higher chance to intersex
I'm going to try it on some of my fems.
After working some for gens I'm confident they are stable under stress.

Old elmer bud confirmed I'm on the right track.....

Join Date: Jun 2012

Location: Sth Pacific

Posts: 1,095

G`day Scar

I have known this tech for some time .
Esko learnt it from Soma ...
The person who told me , asked me not to make it public . But the cat is out of the bag now .
so we could use this to take clone only mother phenos and make males? am i understanding this right?

edit:also puts that whole 'sex is determined at seed' argument to rest.
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I had always heard soma used a different method to make his fems but didnt really know.
Im sorru but I feel like it is selfish to not share info like this just so they can make money. They will still be lining their pockets and laughing to the bank long after this method is standardized (if that happens) so why hold this back from the community?
Wish you luck Scarhole and thanx for mading thread about this as i asking my self long time now can be possible or not.

I have writen words from E$kobar when he was explaining this method.

1.Where is developing flowering hormon in plant? answer- in tips of a root

2.In what time of flowering he develops? answer- Between 7-21 days of flowering time

3.What will happend if we cut those root tips in that time? answer -If we cutt those root tips we will change female to male

and then we can use this pollen for creating fems.

That is what i have writen down from E$kobar when he was explain how to do it,

but didnt say all...or maybe he is...glad you will check this claims.

All the best

thats a lot of auxin and cytokinin (expensive) why not just go the CS route? whats the benefit of doing all this with the roots? and is the plant genetically still male?