Sir Smoke-A-Lotta Pot
Active Member
I like a little cola from time to time, but I would love to have Tony Montana's snorter. Double barrel, thats what I'm talkin about
Once apon a time when I was a young buck we used to make ghandi's.
Take coke put in spoon with a drop of water and cook with lighter like you were going to shoot it.
Then you take ground up bud and soak it in the liquid pure coca.
Let the weed and coke dry out.
We used a microwave for like 5 seconds.
We then put the weed in a joint (recomend blunts burns better).
It is a twisted feeling.
Lips, face, throat and chest went numb and we got a really weird high.
Totally diff than smoking and snorting at the same time.
Oh well, now that I am older and wiser I just smoke the ganja and thats it.
Stick to herb drop the coke.
i dont do much of the snif anymoor but alot do on this site but we al have to grow up sumtime? any one dun pot and cock shotys?
lol..i wasnt tryin to be mean im just curiouslol he lives in Alaska and his hands are frozen so leave the man alone. its just really interesting to what u just wrote i would have said i cant spell because im high but you say as im love it..i guess i prolly sound like a stupid american huh?i just cant spell as im hi hi hi lol,uk