Scared Out of my Mind... Drugtest


Well-Known Member
:neutral: my sister is a idot whos house gets drug busted and she moved in with us.... her is the deal she hase 1 kid around 6 CPS wonts to drug test me becase i live in the house to.. :evil:
NOT A PEE ONE A HAIRFOLACL this is complete bullshit i dont know what to do..... i ben smoking for 4-5 months i stoped 3 days ago and this shit happens any info on what maybe i can do... ps im 19


you better get some of that quick cleanse shampoo shit. though im not sure if it really works. try it out and good luck to you
They cant drug test you. You are an adult not a minor. Cops are just trying to scare you. Tell them you will NOT give them a sample without an court order.


They cant drug test you. You are an adult not a minor. Cops are just trying to scare you. Tell me you will NOT give them a sample without an court order.

there not cops there child protective services cps, they can take her sisters kid away from them


Well-Known Member
you better get some of that quick cleanse shampoo shit. though im not sure if it really works. try it out and good luck to you

can u point this out? i cant find what ur talkign about and my dad said i dont have to take it but it will look bad is this true'? damn im lost i think i might skip town for a bit 0,0


Well-Known Member
i live with my mom and dad to what do you think the chance of them testing me is.? my sister just whent and got hers done.. :spew:


i live with my mom and dad to what do you think the chance of them testing me is.? my sister just whent and got hers done.. :spew:
who ur mom and dad? i donno man youd know that answer better then me


Well-Known Member
u dont have to give them anything,ur a grown man,,,also if you had ur medical marijuana papers u wouldnt have to worry.....but theyll need a court order for that sample sir,,,


u dont have to give them anything,ur a grown man,,,also if you had ur medical marijuana papers u wouldnt have to worry.....but theyll need a court order for that sample sir,,,

im pretty sure what they are trying to do is not legal...

you lived in this house before she was forced to move in

the child is not yours

you are not responsible for it...

so why should you take a drug test?


Well-Known Member
i know its just my sister just told me..... we might have to.... .its bull shit i dont do nothing but smoke weed play video games and work and now im going to end up in like jail becase of here Crackhead ass.. i wont give them hair they can kiss my ass if i have to ill move out.. And Papers? I live in states no such thing or do i need to move were there is a such thing

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
dude. first off take some spelling/grammar lessons

secondly. no law enforcement agency can "force" a drug test without a court order let alone CPS.

you should renege to CPS and tell them that you WILL NOT submit to a drug test unless they have a court order. under no circumstances will they be allowed to deny your sister permission based on you not wanting to voluntarily submit a hair sample.

these are scare tactics which you should be able to hurdle quite easily.

if CPS insists that it is in your sisters' best interest and that you look like a wrong doer, or that an agent of good would not deny their request; you should respond by saying all you wish to do is keep your constitutionally given rights as a citizen of US of A.

quit being noid and grow some agallas