Scales...What kind do you use?


Well-Known Member
The blade models are nice and hold up. They are pretty cheap so if it breaks it's not a big deal, also it is pretty accurate.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Back in high school we had a triple beam. I think that was before digital scales. It was pretty much that or a postage scale, which sucked. It's ok though, it was easily paid for in the first pound of brick we flipped. I think we were tripling our money on brickweed back then. Haha!

These days, I just use whatever generic cheap digital scale that measures in .1g increments. I don't even sell anything these days though, I just like to know my yields.


Well-Known Member
We once took weed to a post office in the middle of the night. They had a scale in there for weighing packages and left the lobby open all night for people to get to their post office boxes.

young, dumb and full of...


Well-Known Member
No idea.

Some called it the Purple Paralyzer, but that is old school (the 70s) and may have been different.
I think any bud from up there may have gotten a bit purple as it got really cold at night, even in August.
I bet it was a cross or even just a regular variety available back then.

Skunk #1, Blueberry, Northern Lights were around back then...
It could have been one or more.

One thing for me was the smell and the absolute power. No one called good pot "kind bud" back then, the generic name was skunk.

I bet one of the main reasons it sticks out in people's minds is that even back then, the guy(s) really knew how to grow and cure.
It was great pot, well grown outside and cured perfectly.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I eyeballed a quarter oz today, then weighed it to see how close it was. I had also split the quarter by eyeball into 2 eighths. The scale showed one eighth at 3.4 grams and the other at 3.8 grams for a final weight of 7.2 for the eyeballed quarter. Only .2 g off, who needs a scale anyway?