SB420 law?


Well-Known Member
as long as it's for personal use and the cops cant prove otherwise hes ok.

i still use my afidavit from '05 saying i can grow 6 pounds

P.S. indoors that can be a lot of plants


Well-Known Member
renewing every year is just to prove your in contact with ur dr. and they are currently overseeing " " your health and therapy with cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I get it, I just do not know if it is legally required by prop 215. It costs $125 for 6 to 12 months. My doc said he wants to see depression/anxiety patients every 6 months, something about San Diego County wanting it, but then gave me 12 months after my first 6 months...he was really busy and I think forgot.

Now SD county is complying (after losing appeal) and issuing cards for $163, not sure if I am required to have the county card and if it is in addition to my Dr's fees, or if I now see a new county doc.



Now SD county is complying (after losing appeal) and issuing cards for $163, not sure if I am required to have the county card and if it is in addition to my Dr's fees, or if I now see a new county doc.

They want $166 for the card and they only plan to issue 100 a month. They say the wait time will be a month. That is in addition to your doctor's rec.

The District Attorney in San Diego, Bonnie Dumanis is coming down hard on medical marijuana right now.


Well-Known Member
my script says as many as i want in a 10x10 foot area up to 99 plants and i can have up to 5LBS of dried herb


Well-Known Member
They want $166 for the card and they only plan to issue 100 a month. They say the wait time will be a month. That is in addition to your doctor's rec.

The District Attorney in San Diego, Bonnie Dumanis is coming down hard on medical marijuana right now.
So is it required? If only issuing a limited #, I should be good until I expire in 2/2010?



Well-Known Member
my script says as many as i want in a 10x10 foot area up to 99 plants and i can have up to 5LBS of dried herb
fuck I need to get my doc to put that shit on my script next year.

but I think my county laws may conflict with it .. . but then again after reading this law apparently the docs recommendation goes over county law as it is state law.