SayWords 1st grow, seven plants


Well-Known Member
it doesnt smell very strong actually. it hasnt become an issue at all. its more of an organic, soilly smell than a marijuana smell. im thinkin they'll be done in 3-4 weeks, but the big cola buds arent very huge yet, they're gettin there. once i get the ladies back in my apartment i'll put flix up, but it may be a while since the peeps havent even called me back about fixin the mold yet.


Well-Known Member
im aiming for between 3/4 pound and one pound for all seven plants, even tho i'll have to harvest them at different times. bending them over like that is called LST - low stress training. u can read up on it in the grow FAQ or google it. pretty much all the stuff i now know about this subject i found out on this site or using google


Well-Known Member
wow nice grow man, um i dont want to dissappoint you or anything, but i think you would get about an ounce, ounce and half per plant there, but hey there beautiful


Well-Known Member
no man, electric bill hasnt really jumped at all. we just got it and the bill was 150 this month.

and u really think i'll only get an o per plant at most? it seems like 2 oz per plant is easily done


Well-Known Member
i'll take flicks when i go over today or tomorrow or something then. oh shit, i think tomorrow is week 6 of flowering! oh damn man.


Well-Known Member
hey man, your girls are lookin nice !
i see you have one light held up with duct tape tho ....
"came home today and my light was on top of my plants"
/\ funny story


Well-Known Member
no that thing was sturdy. my setup is at a friends house now but we're movin it back tonight. i'll get flicks up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
okay, just got done transfering all the plants back to my apartment and finished setin them all up under the light. unfortunately i wont have a camera till sunday, so thats when i'll post update flix. they look excellent. the buds have def grown. im gonna try to get a hold of GRAVITY tomorrow to start feedin them. i hope my hydro store has it.


Well-Known Member
got a camera, here's flix!!

today i got a UVB cfl, hangin vert in the middle of the setup. i also bought GRAVITY which im excited to use.

4ish weeks flower

6 weeks

mom and clones

the one in the middle is from seed. the other two are the only 2 clones ive successfully rooted.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Nice pics SayWord. Check out the aero cloner I posted on Pimps thread. Works great and pretty cheap to make. I just started using it and love it. 6 out of 6 rooted and plenty of roots at about 2 weeks to do what you want with them. And a question, what is a UVB cfl ? Just never heard of it.


Well-Known Member
cool man, i'll check it out. there's a uvb light thread in the advanced cultivation section. u get them at the pet store and it basically stresses the plant into creating more resin as a type of sunblock from the light. i just read the thread yesturday and went out and bought the light right after. lol


Well-Known Member
dude!!!!!!!! your grow has come a long way!!!! if i remember right, u strted in a crib, right? hell yeah man...beautiful job!!!!!

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Took a quick look at the UVB thread. I'll have the wife warm up my Bronco while I do some research. Sounds pretty cool though.